Desert tourism : tracing the fragile edges of development / edited by Virginie Picon-Lefebvre with Aziza Chaouni.
Titre et auteur:

Desert tourism : tracing the fragile edges of development / edited by Virginie Picon-Lefebvre with Aziza Chaouni.


Cambridge, Mass. : Aga Khan Program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design : Distributed by Harvard University Press, ©2011.


151 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color) ; 26 cm.


Aga Khan Program book series

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction : desert tourism then and now / Virginie Picon-Lefebvre -- Desert blues : historical riffs on the Moroccan periphery / Susan Gilson Miller -- The desert as a (movie) myth / Claude Prelorenzo -- A Utopian space between tourism and development : Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture for the deserts of the American southwest / Neil Levine -- The Kasbah hotel : mythopoesis in the Moroccan tourist landscape / Aziza Chaouni -- From war to peace, the making of a landscape / Virginie Picon-Lefebvre -- Photographic encounters in the American desert / Alessandra Ponte -- Quartzsite, Arizona : tales of desert nomads / Robert Sumrell and Kazys Varnelis -- The Saharan oasis put to the test of its landscape : the Jerid / Vincent Battesti -- Desert tourism as a vehicle for nature conservation : the Jordanian experience / Chris Johnson -- The intention to notice : explorations through ephemeral desert landscapes / Gini Lee.

"Deserts are becoming increasingly popular tourist destinations. However, the growth of this tourism niche raises particular challenges, jeopardizing their fragile ecosystems and straining scarce resources. Paradoxically, the increasing popularity of desert tourism is undermining the very essence of the allure of these places. In developing countries, the consequences are even more drastic, as local populations live in dire conditions with few resources and insufficient infrastructure, rarely benefiting from tourism's economic effects. This book seeks to analyze the relationship between tourism and the sustainable development of those territories, addressing issues raised by architecture, landscape design, and planning. Following a historical perspective, Susan Miller, Claude Prelorenzo, Neil Levine, and Aziza Chaouni show how the imaginaire of the desert was invented by movie directors, writers, and architects. Virginie Lefebvre, Alessandra Ponte, and Kazys Varnelis explore traces of previous conflicts that transformed deserts, from war to peace, into touristic destinations and places for experimentation. Finally, an analysis of contemporary conditions helps to measure the challenges still to be faced: Vincent Battesti tackles the ethnocultural landscapes of the oasis, Chris Johnson the preservation of deserts and impacts on local communities, and Gini Lee the use of deserts as creative places for artists." Publisher's website.


9781934510186 (pbk.)
1934510181 (pbk.)


Sustainable tourism.
Desert resources development.
Sustainable development.
Desert ecology.
Tourisme durable.
Déserts Exploitation.
Développement durable.
Écologie des déserts.
sustainable development.
Ökologisches Gleichgewicht
Travel and Tourism.

Vedettes secondaires:

Picon-Lefèbvre, Virginie, 1959-
Chaouni, Aziza.
Aga Khan Program book series.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279654
Cote: BIB 215786
Statut: Disponible


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