Mathews, Gordon.
Ghetto at the center of the world : Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong / Gordon Mathews.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2011.
xi, 241 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
There is nowhere else in the world quite like Chungking Mansions, a dilapidated seventeen-story commercial and residential structure in the heart of Hong Kong's tourist district. A remarkably motley group of people call the building home; Pakistani phone stall operators, Chinese guesthouse workers, Nepalese heroin addicts, Indonesian sex workers, and traders and asylum seekers from all over Asia and Africa live and work there-even backpacking tourists rent rooms. In short, it is possibly the most globalized spot on the planet. But as Ghetto at the Center of the World shows us, a trip to Chungking Mansions is a world away from the gleaming headquarters of multinational corporations--instead it epitomizes the way globalization actually works for most of the world's people.
9780226510194 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780226510200 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0226510190 (cloth. ; alk. paper)
0226510204 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Chongqing da sha (Hong Kong, China)
Chungking Mansions (Hong Kong, China)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Art Museum
Multipurpose buildings China Hong Kong.
Guesthouses China Hong Kong.
City dwellers China Hong Kong.
Minorities China Hong Kong.
Immeubles à usages multiples Chine Hongkong.
Maisons d'invités Chine Hongkong.
Citadins Chine Hongkong.
74.21 geography of Asia.
City dwellers
Multipurpose buildings
Nationale Minderheit
Soziales System
Hong Kong (China) Commerce.
China Hong Kong
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 273637
Cote: BIB 207324
Statut: Disponible
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