A global history of history / Daniel Woolf.
Entrée principale:

Woolf, D. R. (Daniel R.)

Titre et auteur:

A global history of history / Daniel Woolf.


Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.


xxvii, 568 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foundations -- History during the first millennium AD -- An age of global violence, c. 1000 to c. 1450 -- History in the early modern empires : Europe, China, Islam -- Transatlantic histories : contact, conquest and cultural exchange 1450-1800 -- Progress and history in the Eurasian enlightenments -- The broken mirror : nationalism, romanticism and professionalization in the nineteenth-century West -- Clio's empire : European historiography in Asia, the Americas and Africa -- Babel's tower? : history in the twentieth century.
Text extracts : Assyrian historical propaganda: the Synchronistic history -- Thucydides on his own historical methods -- Early Chinese historical writing: the Zuozhuan -- Annalistic writing in the Vaṃs: the reign of Vijayabahu I (r. 1056-1111) -- Bede's Ecclesiastical history -- Isidore of Seville on history -- Islamic historical writing in the tenth century: al-Ṭabarī -- History in early Japan: Nihon shoki on the Emperor Temmu -- Mongol historical writing: Altan Tobči -- The Crusades from a Muslim perspective: the Chronicle of Ibn al-Qalānisī -- Norse historical writing: Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla -- History in medieval Russia: the Chronic al of Novgorod -- Fourteenth-century Japanese historical epic: Taiheiki -- Historical writing in thirteenth-century Korea: Ilyǒn's Samguk Yusa -- The spread of humanist history in northern Europe: Fenton's translation of Guicciardini -- Bossuet on the uses of universal history -- Persian historical writing under the Safavids: Iskandar Beg Munshī -- A Mughal princess writes history: Gul-Badan Begam's The history of Humāyūn -- Mustafa Na'îmâ on how and why to write history -- Alva Ixtlilxóchitl's account of the coming of the Spanish -- A Spanish missionary on Mesoamerican indigenous histories: Motolinia -- Gauman Poma de Ayala on the origins of the Incas -- Mercy Otis Warren on history -- Russian historical writing westernizes: Karamzin on the Kiev and Mongol periods -- Voltaire on the necessity of doubt -- Motoori Norinaga's critique of Nihon shoki -- Herder on the succession of cultures -- Geijer on Swedish medieval history -- Ranke on Guicciardini's History of Italy -- History as sentimental observer: Carlyle on the struggles of The Girondins and Montagnards -- Positivism and history: Buckle on historiography -- Nietzsche on the characteristics of the historian -- Europe and the awakening of Indian national self-consciousness: K.M. Panikkar -- Barbarism and civilization: Domingo Faustino Sarmiento -- The boundaries of history and fiction: José Milla (1822-82) -- Burmese history: the Glass Palace Chronicle -- A Javanese babad: Babad ing Sangkala -- Sějarah Mělayu: the 'Malay annals' -- A sumatran Hikayat -- Early historical writing in Ethiopia -- Early historical writing in Ethiopia -- Napoleon in Egypt: al Jabartī's Chronicle -- The relations of geography and history: Henri Berr -- Stalin on historical science -- The education of a Marxist historian: Halvdan Koht -- An early postcolonial critic of history: Eric Williams on British historians and imperialism -- The North American indigenous past: Anna Lee Walters.

A global history of historical writing & thought from the ancient world to the present, this is a guide to human efforts to recover, understand & represent the past. Numerous extracts & illustrations demonstrate the different forms that historical consciousness has taken & history's development into a modern discipline.


9780521875752 (hbk.)
0521875757 (hbk.)
9780521699082 (pbk.)
0521699088 (pbk.)


Historiography History.
Geschichtsschreibung Geschichte.




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 274188
Cote: BIB 207965
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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