Henri Lefebvre on space : architecture, urban research, and the production of theory / Lukasz Stanek.
Entrée principale:

Stanek, Lukasz.

Titre et auteur:

Henri Lefebvre on space : architecture, urban research, and the production of theory / Lukasz Stanek.


Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press, ©2011.


xv, 369 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 305-348) and index.
Introduction -- Henri Lefebvre : the production of theory -- Research : from practices of dwelling to the production of space -- Critique : space as concrete abstraction -- Project : urban society and its architecture -- Afterword : toward an architecture of jouissance.
Text in English with some French.

"In this innovative work, Łukasz Stanek explicity confronts both the philosophical and the empirical foundations of Henri Lefebvre's oeuvre, especially his direct involvement in the fields of urban development, planning, and architecture. Countering the prevailing view, which reduces Lefebvre's theory of space to a projection of his philosophical positions, Stanek argues that Lefebvre's work grew out of his concrete engagement with everyday practices of dwelling in postwar France and his exchanges with architects and planners. Stanek focuses on the interaction between architecture, urbanism, sociology, and philosophy that occurred in France in the 1960s and 1970s, which was marked by a shift in the processes of urbanization at all scales, from the neighborhood to the global level. Lefebvre's thinking was central to this encounter, which informed both his theory of space and the concept of urbanization becoming global."--P. [4] of cover.


9780816666164 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0816666164 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9780816666171 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0816666172 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991.
Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991 Studies.
Social sciences Philosophy.
Space and time.
Sciences sociales Philosophie.
Tid och rum.

Vedettes secondaires:

Architecture, urban research, and the production of theory


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 274468
Cote: BIB 208210
Statut: Disponible


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