Border conditions / Marc Schoonderbeek (ed).
[Amsterdam] : Architectura & Natura Press : [TU Delft], [2010]
164 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm
TU Delft series on architecture
"Border conditions is a research and design studio group at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology. Border conditions is engaged in experimental projects based on investigations of socio-political contexts by tracing contemporary spatial phenomena and conditions in cities, and charting the specific characteristics of the built environment. In an attempt to understand the contemporary workings of architecture, Border Conditions focuses special attention on mapping as a tool to register and interpret these urban processes, and to turn these findings into the guiding principles for spatial interventions."--Spine and cover
Architecture Europe.
Architecture Political aspects Europe.
Architecture Study and teaching Netherlands Delft.
Cities and towns Europe.
Architecture Aspect politique Europe.
Architecture Étude et enseignement Pays-Bas Delft.
Villes Europe.
Architecture Political aspects
Architecture Study and teaching
Cities and towns
Netherlands Delft
Schoonderbeek, Marc.
Technische Universiteit Delft. Faculteit Bouwkunde.
TU Delft series on architecture.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 268941
Cote: BIB 200871
Statut: Disponible
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