Harwood, Elain.
Chamberlin, Powell and Bon : the Barbican and beyond / Elain Harwood.
London : RIBA, ©2011.
xii, 145 pages : color illustrations, color plans ; 24 cm.
Twentieth century architects
Chamberlin worked on the Festival of Britain, but the practice was formed only in 1952 when Geoffry Powell won a housing competition in London. The resulting Golden Lane Estate is as light and brightly-coloured as the adjoining Barbican that followed is monumental. In between, the firm produced a range of buildings that pushed concrete technology to its limits, including houses and schools, Murray Edwards College (New Hall) in Cambridge, and major extensions to Leeds University. These projects are beginning to be recognised as among the best buildings of the 1960s; this book explains how they happened.
9781859463970 (pbk.)
1859463975 (pbk.)
Chamberlin, Peter, 1919-1978 Criticism and interpretation.
Powell, Geoffry, 1920-1999 Criticism and interpretation.
Bon, Christoph, 1921-1999 Criticism and interpretation.
Bon, Christoph, 1921-1999
Chamberlin, Powell and Bon.
Barbican Centre
University of Leeds
Architecture Great Britain History 20th century.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture and Planning.
Great Britain
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
English Heritage.
Twentieth Century Society (London, England)
Twentieth century architects.
Chamberlin, Powell & Bon
Barbican and beyond
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283127
Cote: BIB 221152
Statut: Disponible
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