Textile tectonics / edited by Lars Spuybroek.
Rotterdam : NAi Publishers ; [New York, NY] : [Available in North America through D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers], [©2011]
218 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm.
Research & design
Textile tectonics" reveals how natural, ornamental and folkloristic patterns - from the veins of leaves to Gothic rose windows, from foam formations to traditional styles of hair braiding and from Celtic knotwork to knitting patterns - can be digitally elaborated into breathtaking, programmable and architecturally viable structures. Internationally renowned architect and researcher Lars Spuybroek has been investigating the relationships between art, architecture and information technology. His students in the Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Architecture have contributed their projects in this second book in research and design.
Architectural design.
Architectural design Data processing.
Design architectural.
Design architectural Informatique.
Computer-aided design.
Textile design.
Decoration and ornament, Architectural.
Spuybroek, Lars.
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Architecture.
Research & design (Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Architecture)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284139
Cote: BIB 222790
Statut: Disponible
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