Building the revolution : soviet art and architecture, 1915-1935 / [exhibition curators, Mary Anne Stevens, Maria Tsantsanoglou with the collaboration of Richard Pare].
Titre et auteur:

Building the revolution : soviet art and architecture, 1915-1935 / [exhibition curators, Mary Anne Stevens, Maria Tsantsanoglou with the collaboration of Richard Pare].


London : Royal Academy of Arts ; New York : Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., ©2011.


270 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

"First published on the occasion of the exhibition Building the Revolution: Soviet Arts and Architecture 1915-1935, organised by the Royal Academy of Arts in collaboration with the SMCA - Costakis Collection, Thessalomiki ... CaixaForum Barcelona, 3 February - 17 April 2011; CaixaForum Madrid, 26 May - 18 September 2011; Royal Academy of Arts, London, 29 October 2011 - 22 January 2012"--Title page verso.
Includes biographical information of artists (p. 253-256) and of architects (p. 257-265).
Includes bibliographical references (page 266) and index.
Uneasy crossings : the architecture of the Russian avant-garde between east and west / Jean-Louis Cohen -- The synthesis of art and architecture in the Russian avant-garde : the Costakis collection testimony / Maria Tsantsanoglou -- Photographs from the Shchusev State Museum of Architecture of the 1920s and early 1930s / Maria Ametova and Maria Rogozina -- The painter as architect : explorations towards a constructivist architecture / Christina Lodder -- Spreading the word / Richard Pare interviewed by Tim Tower.

This text charts the trajectory of Russian avant-garde architecture during the brief but intense period of design and construction which took place between 1922 and 1935.


9781905711918 (hbk.)
1905711913 (hbk.)
9781905711925 (pbk.)
1905711921 (pbk.)


Art Soviet Union History.
Art Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Art Soviet Union 20th century History.
Architecture Soviet Union History.
Architecture Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Art, Modern 20th century History Soviet Union.
Art URSS Histoire.
Art URSS Expositions.
Art URSS 20e siècle Histoire.
Architecture URSS Histoire.
Architecture URSS Expositions.
Architecture and Planning.
Soviet Union


Exhibition catalogues.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Stevens, Mary Anne.
Tsantsanoglou, Maria.
Pare, Richard.
Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain)
Kratiko Mouseio Synchronēs Technēs (Greece)
CaixaForum (Barcelona, Spain)
CaixaForum (Madrid, Spain)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 272403
Cote: N6988 .B84 2011
Notes: hd. bd.
Statut: Disponible


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