Arcade : artists and place-making / edited by Rhona Warwick.
London : Black Dog, ©2006.
157 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm
"The role of artists in the context of urban environments is becoming ever more central to both art practice and urban planning. Using the recent regeneration of the notoriously deprived neighbourhood of Glasgow's Gorbals as a starting point. Arcade: Artists and Place-Making looks at the issues surrounding urban public art and raises significant questions about its place and value in the twenty-first century."--Jacket.
1904772544 (pbk.)
9781904772545 (pbk.)
Civic improvement Scotland Glasgow.
City planning Scotland Glasgow.
Public art Scotland Glasgow.
Villes Aménagement et assainissement Écosse Glasgow.
City planning.
Civic improvement.
Public art.
Gorbals (Glasgow, Scotland)
Scotland Glasgow.
Scotland Glasgow Gorbals.
Warwick, Rhona.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 256511
Cote: BIB 186893
Statut: Disponible
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