Ian McHarg : conversations with students : dwelling in nature / Lynn Margulis, James Corner, and Brian Hawthorne, editors.
Entrée principale:

McHarg, Ian L., 1920-2001, author.

Titre et auteur:

Ian McHarg : conversations with students : dwelling in nature / Lynn Margulis, James Corner, and Brian Hawthorne, editors.


First edition.


New York, NY : Princeton Architectural Press,


112 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.


Conversations with students

Includes index.
"The 'quasi, pseudo, crypto' scientist"/ David Orr -- "What modern science is : the egg is shattered ... fragments lie scattered on the ground" / Lynn Margulis -- Lecture : The theory of creative fitting / Ian L. McHarg -- Conversation : Ian L. McHarg -- Pond water : poem / Ian L. McHarg -- "The algae will laugh" : McHarg and the second law of thermodynamics / Dorion Sagan -- "We ask them to group together all these independent spectral views of the universe into one whole system" : biosphera, global knowledge for community design / Ramon Folch -- "To match people's needs with environmental opportunities" : an Oregon forest, local knowledge for community design / Richard Hart -- "Creativity permeates the evolution of matter and life" : the McHarg event : an unfinished project / James Corner -- Biographical overview : Ian Lennox McHarg (1920-2001).
British Library not licensed to copy 0.

"One of the legendary figures in twentieth-century landscape design, Ian McHarg transformed the fields of landscape architecture and planning through his personal methodology, his unique curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania, and his own inspired writing. In classic texts such as his landmark 1969 book Design with Nature, McHarg painted an incredibly rich and exuberant picture of the organic world while conjuring up a vision of a more wholesome and productive metropolis. In this new entry in the popular Conversations with Students series, we are proud to make McHarg's never-before-in-print lecture "Collaboration with Nature" available for the first time. Captured on tape in the 1970s, the lecture is the sequel to Design with Nature. This is a must-read for anyone in the fields of landscape architecture, environmental science, and urban planning."--Publisher's website.


1568986203 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781568986203 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Land use Planning Environmental aspects.
Human ecology.
Ecological landscape design.
Landscape architecture Environmental aspects.
Utilisation du sol Planification Aspect de l'environnement.
Écologie humaine.
Aménagement paysager écologique.
Architecture du paysage Aspect de l'environnement.
human ecology.
landscape architecture
land use planning
sociale ecologie
landscape ecology
duurzaamheid (sustainability)
environmental factors
Landscape Architecture (General)
Landschapsarchitectuur (algemeen)



Vedettes secondaires:

Margulis, Lynn, 1938-2011.
Corner, James, 1961-
Hawthorne, Brian, 1963-
Conversations with students.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 249993
Cote: BIB 179524
Statut: Disponible


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