Armstrong, Tom, 1932-2011.
Singular vision : architecture, art, landscape / Tom Armstrong ; principal photography by Don Freeman.
1st ed.
New York : Quantuck Lane Press, ©2011.
255 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm
After a fire destroyed his colonial revival house on Fisher's Island, Tom Armstrong and his wife commissioned Thomas Phifer and Partners to design a spectacular modernist steel and glass house on the same site, fulfilling Mr. Armstrong's dream of living in a garden surrounded by art. Beginning with the first house, this book takes us through the fire, the selection of an architect, the building of the new house, and the acquisition of furnishings and art. Throughout we encounter designs and artwork by such notables as Marcel Breuer, Frank Gehry, Mies van der Rohe, Eero Sarrinen, Mark di Suvero, Isamu Noguchi, Betty Woodman, Alfred Leslie, Leon Polk Smith, Terry Winters, and a host of others. We also become privy to the thinking of an inventive gardener whose meticulous planning has resulted in an extraordinary setting for architecture and art and is open to the public during the summer months. 70 full-color and 30 black-and-white photographs. -- Book Description.
Armstrong, Tom, 1932-2011 Homes and haunts New York (State) Fishers Island.
Armstrong, Tom, Homes and haunts New York (State) Fishers Island.
Armstrong, Tom, 1932-2011
Thomas Phifer and Partners.
Architect-designed houses New York (State) Fishers Island.
Architect-designed houses
Fishers Island (N.Y.) Buildings, structures, etc.
New York (State) Fishers Island
Freeman, Don, 1957-
Architecture, art, landscape
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279119
Cote: BIB 215013
Statut: Disponible
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