Leyton, Michael.
Shape as memory : a geometric theory of architecture / Michael Leyton.
Basel, Switzerland ; Boston : Birkhäuser - Publishers for Architecture, ©2006.
93 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 19 cm.
IT revolution in architecture
"In his mathematical books and papers, Michael Leyton has developed new foundations to geometry that are directly opposed to the conventional foundations that have existed for almost 3,000 years, from Euclid to modern physics, including Einstein. Whereas the conventional foundations minimize the memory contained in the geometric object, these new foundations maximize it. A fundamental conclusion is that shape is equivalent to memory storage. In this book, Leyton shows that his new foundations for geometry result in new foundations for architecture. Whereas architecture, for thousands of years, has been based on the minimization of memory storage - the aim of conventional geometry - the new architecture he proposes is based on the maximization of memory storage - the aim of the new geometry. He elaborates the structural principles by which buildings can be designed as maximal memory stores. This reformulates the relation of architecture to computation: the computational process becomes one in which the mind undergoes self-creation by reading and writing itself as history. The architectural principles proposed by Leyton are the means by which buildings can be read and written as the self-creation of mind. Leyton illustrates these new architectural principles with his own administration buildings."--BOOK JACKET.
Geometry in architecture.
Architectural design Data processing.
Shape theory (Topology)
Memory (Philosophy)
Symmetry (Art)
Géométrie en architecture.
Design architectural Informatique.
Théorie de la forme (Topologie)
Mémoire (Philosophie)
Symétrie (Art)
Geometrische Modellierung
Architektur Geometrische Modellierung.
Geometrische Modellierung Architektur.
IT revolution in architecture.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292871
Cote: BIB 237415
Statut: Disponible
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