Intellectual property strategy / John Palfrey.
Entrée principale:

Palfrey, John, 1972-

Titre et auteur:

Intellectual property strategy / John Palfrey.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©2012.


xiii, 172 pages ; 18 cm.


The MIT Press essential knowledge series

Includes bibliographical references (pages 159-163) and index.
Introduction: the self-limiting myth of the sword and the shield -- Why intellectual property matters -- Recommendation #1: treat intellectual property as a core asset class -- Recommendation #2: benefit from the intellectual property of others -- legally -- Recommendation #3: create freedom of action through intellectual property -- Recommendation #4: establish a flexible intellectual property strategy -- The special case of the non-profit -- Future outlook -- Afterword: what the author really thinks.

Most managers leave intellectual property issues to the legal department, unaware that an organization's intellectual property can help accomplish a range of management goals, from accessing new markets to improving existing products to generating new revenue streams. In this book, intellectual property expert and Harvard Law School professor John Palfrey offers a short briefing on intellectual property strategy for corporate managers and nonprofit administrators. Palfrey argues for strategies that go beyond the traditional highly restrictive "sword and shield" approach, suggesting that flexibility and creativity are essential to a profitable long-term intellectual property strategy--especially in an era of changing attitudes about media. Intellectual property, writes Palfrey, should be considered a key strategic asset class. Almost every organization has an intellectual property portfolio of some value and therefore the need for an intellectual property strategy. A brand, for example, is an important form of intellectual property, as is any information managed and produced by an organization. Palfrey identifies the essential areas of intellectual property--patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret--and describes strategic approaches to each in a variety of organizational contexts, based on four basic steps. The most innovative organizations employ multiple intellectual property approaches, depending on the situation, asking hard, context-specific questions. By doing so, they achieve both short- and long-term benefits while positioning themselves for success in the global information economy.


9780262516792 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0262516799 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Intellectual property.
Intellectual property Southeast Asia.
Intellectual property (International law)
Intellectual Property
Propriété intellectuelle Asie du Sud-Est.
Propriété intellectuelle (Droit international)
Propriété intellectuelle.
intellectual property.
Geistiges Eigentum
Intellectual property Management.
Southeast Asia



Vedettes secondaires:

MIT Press essential knowledge series.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 276820
Cote: BIB 211328
Statut: Disponible


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