The cultural role of architecture : contemporary and historical perspectives / edited by Paul Emmons, John Hendrix and Jane Lomholt.
Titre et auteur:

The cultural role of architecture : contemporary and historical perspectives / edited by Paul Emmons, John Hendrix and Jane Lomholt.


Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2012.


xxviii, 228 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Greek theatre as an embodiment of cultural meaning / Dagmar Motycka Weston -- The restoration of the hut of Romulus / Chris Siwicki -- Il corridoio Vasariano: a resplendent passage to Medici and Vasari's grandeur / Liana De Girolami Cheney -- Language beyond metaphor: the structural symbolism of Borromini's Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza / Noe Badillo -- Villa Albani: repsoitory of multiple narratives / Jane Lomholt -- The space of fiction: on the cultural relevance of architecture / Louise Pelletier -- Using old stuff and thinking in a new way: material culture, conservation and fashion in architecuture / Cristina Gonzalez-Longo.
De Beata architectura: places for thinking / Marco Frascari -- Sverre Fehn: materials and culture / Chris Hay -- A persuasive topology: Alvar Aalto and the ambience of history / Harry Charrington -- Freiraum: ideas of nature and freedom in the work of Mies van der Rohe / Jen Frohburg -- Architectural poetics in Alvaro Siza's church of Santa Maria / Alexandra Stara -- The play of plans: Le Corbusier's serious game of dominoes / Paul Emmons -- Something out of the 'ordinary' / Gerald Adler.
The relevance of beauty in architecture / Alberto Perez-Gomez -- Architectural creation between 'culture' and 'civilization' / Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou -- Architectural identity demystified: visual voices from the Arab World / Ashraf Salama -- The fiction of the digital in the mediated city / Jason Crow -- The memory of ruins and the ruins of memory / Mark Cannata -- The conceptual bearings of the intercultural role of architecture / Nader El-Zizri -- Architecture as the psyche of a culture / John Hendrix -- Epilogue: The necessity of architecture / John Hendrix.

Exploring the ambiguities of how we define the word 'culture' in our global society, this book identifies its imprint on architectural ideas. It examines the historical role of the cultural in architectural production and expression, looking at meaning and communication, tracing the formations of cultural identities. Chapters written by international academics in history, theory and philosophy of architecture, examine how different modes of representation throughout history have drawn profound meanings from cultural practices and beliefs. These are as diverse as the designs they inspire and include religious, mythic, poetic, political, and philosophical references. -- Product Description.


9780415783408 (hardback ; alk. paper)
0415783402 (hardback ; alk. paper)
9780415783415 (pbk.)
0415783410 (pbk.)


Architecture and society.
Architecture et société.
Architecture and Planning.



Vedettes secondaires:

Emmons, Paul.
Hendrix, John Shannon.
Lomholt, Jane.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283966
Cote: BIB 222494
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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