Seeing things : from Shakespeare to Pixar / Alan Ackerman.
Entrée principale:

Ackerman, Alan L. (Alan Louis)

Titre et auteur:

Seeing things : from Shakespeare to Pixar / Alan Ackerman.


Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, ©2011.


x, 169 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
A spirit of giving in A midsummer night 's dream -- Visualizing Hamlet's ghost : the theatrical spirit of modern subjectivity -- Samuel Beckett's spectres du noir : the being of painting and the flatness of Film -- The spirit of toys : resurrection, redemption, and consumption in Toy story, Toy story 2, and beyond.

"A technological revolution has changed the way we see things. The storytelling media employed by Pixar Animation Studios, Samuel Beckett, and William Shakespeare differ greatly, yet these creators share a collective fascination with the nebulous boundary between material objects and our imaginative selves. How do the acts of seeing and believing remain linked? Alan Ackerman charts the dynamic history of interactions between showing and knowing in Seeing Things, a richly interdisciplinary study which illuminates changing modes of perception and modern representational media. Seeing Things demonstrates that the airy nothings of A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Ghost in Hamlet, and soulless bodies in Beckett's media experiments, alongside Toy Story's digitally animated toys, all serve to illustrate the modern problem of visualizing, as Hamlet put it, 'that within which passes show.' Ackerman carefully analyses such ghostly appearances and disappearances across cultural forms and contexts from the early modern period to the present, investigating the tension between our distrust of shadows and our abiding desire to believe in invisible realities. Seeing Things provides a fresh and surprising cultural history through theatrical, verbal, pictorial, and cinematic representations."--Page [i].


9781442612105 (pbk.)
144261210X (pbk.)


Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989.
Pixar Animation Studios
Visual perception in literature.
Visualization in literature.
Imagination in literature.
Imagery (Psychology) in literature.
Imagery (Psychology) in motion pictures.
Philosophy in literature.
Philosophy in motion pictures.
Visual perception.
Visual communication.
Technology and the arts.
Visual Perception
Communication visuelle.
Perception visuelle.
Technologie et arts.
Perception visuelle dans la littérature.
Visualisation dans la littérature.
Imagerie (Psychologie) dans la littérature.
Philosophie dans la littérature.
Philosophie au cinéma.
visual perception.
Visuelle Kommunikation
Visuelle Wahrnehmung
Konst och teknik.
Visuell kommunikation.
Visuell perception.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 274870
Cote: BIB 208741
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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