2067, the legacy : Indesem explores the future of architecture / edited by Caspar Frenken [and others]. ; [translation & editing, Ingrid Frölich, Billy Nolan].
Amsterdam : Archis, [2011]
335 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
Architect John van de Water set off in 2004 to a China that was modernizing at a furious pace. His intention was to put the European, conceptual way of thinking of NEXT architext into practice in China. Five turbulent years ensued, with projects being built on Chinese soil. A whole range of emotions sprang up in the space between Western and Chinese architectural thinking: incomprehension, confrontation, misunderstanding,acceptance, awareness, understanding and eventually advantage. 'You can't change China, China changes you' is a personal reflection of his experience. In it, the development of architectural thinking is described, researched and tested.
Presents the outcome of the workshop, Indesem 2007 : The Legacy, and includes lectures, interviews and the documentation of the student work.
Architecture and society.
Architecture Forecasting.
Architecture Human factors.
Architecture China History 21st century.
Cultural relations.
Architecture et société.
Architecture Prévision.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
Architecture Chine Histoire 21e siècle.
Relations culturelles.
Frenken, Caspar.
Two thousand sixty-seven, the legacy : Indesem explores the future of architecture
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 273541
Cote: BIB 207194
Statut: Disponible
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