Yglesias, Caren.
The complete house and grounds : learning from Andrew Jackson Downing's domestic architecture / Caren Yglesias.
1st ed.
Chicago : Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago : Distributed by the University of Chicago Press, 2011.
xvii, 255 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Andrew Jackson Downing, now considered the father of American landscape architecture, was among the first to develop aesthetic theories that differed sharply from those perpetuated in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Europe. He designed houses based upon American democratic values and advocated for domestic design that would satisfy basic human needs along with the desire to live well. In this book, Caren Yglesias, a practicing architect, examines Downing's legacy with an eye for relevance to today's domestic landscape. She builds on Downing's work in order to redefine what makes a "complete," or nurturing and fulfilling, house and grounds.
9781935195245 (alk. paper)
1935195247 (alk. paper)
Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852 Criticism and interpretation.
Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1815-1852.
Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852
Architecture, Domestic United States History 19th century.
Country homes Landscape architecture United States History 19th century.
Architects United States Biography.
Architecture domestique États-Unis Histoire 19e siècle.
Architectes États-Unis Biographies.
Maisons de campagne Architecture du paysage États-Unis Histoire 19e siècle.
Architecture, Domestic
United States
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852.
Learning from Andrew Jackson Downing's domestic architecture
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278800
Cote: BIB 214476
Statut: Disponible
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