Bennett, Terry.
Photography in Japan, 1853-1912 / Terry Bennett.
Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle, ©2006.
320 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm
Photography in Japan 1853-1912 is an authoritative and unique visual record of Japan's metamorphosis from a feudal society to a modern, industrial nation. The 350 old and rare images in this book, most of them published here for the first time, not only chronicle the introduction of photography in Japan, but also demonstrate how early photographic images are vital in helping to understand the dramatic changes that occurred in Japan during the mid-nineteenth century.
0804836337 (hbk.)
9780804836333 (hbk.)
4805313110 (pbk.)
9784805313114 (pbk.)
Photography Japan History.
21.40 photographic art: general.
20.43 Japanese art.
Social conditions
Japan History 1868- Pictorial works.
Japan Social conditions 1868- Pictorial works.
Japon Conditions sociales 1868- Ouvrages illustrés.
Illustrated works
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 250780
Cote: TR105 .B46 2006
Statut: Disponible
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