Photography in Japan, 1853-1912 / Terry Bennett.
Entrée principale:

Bennett, Terry.

Titre et auteur:

Photography in Japan, 1853-1912 / Terry Bennett.


Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle, ©2006.


320 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 311-314).
Introduction: Photography Meets Japan 10 -- Chapter 1 1850s: The First Images 22 -- The China Connection 25 -- Castaways: First Images of Japanese 26 -- Eliphalet Brown Jr 27 -- Edward Kern 29 -- Edward Edgerton 34 -- First Cameras, First Students 35 -- The Norwegian 36 -- A British Camera in Tokyo 38 -- Pierre Rossier 41 -- Chapter 2 1860s: Western Studios Dominate 52 -- Samuel Brown 54 -- Francis Hall 57 -- Orrin Freeman 58 -- Ukai Gyokusen 60 -- John Wilson 62 -- Overseas Missions 63 -- Shimooka Renjo 69 -- Ueno Hikoma 73 -- Uchida Kuichi 76 -- Yokoyama Matsusaburo 82 -- Tomishige Rihei 84 -- Felix Beato 86 -- William Saunders 98 -- Charles Parker 102 -- Antoine Fauchery 104 -- Frederick Sutton 106 -- Wilhelm Burger 109 -- Milton Miller 112 -- Charles Weed 115 -- Other Western Photographers 116 -- Other Japanese Photographers 126 -- Chapter 3 1870s: Japanese Competition 130 -- Baron Raimund von Stillfried-Ratenicz 133 -- The Gordes Brothers 142 -- John Reddie Black and The Far East 146 -- Michael Moser 150 -- Hermann Andersen 153 -- Baron Franz von Stillfried-Ratenicz 154 -- David Welsh 156 -- Other Western Photographers 158 -- Esaki Reiji 165 -- Suzuki Shinichi I 165 -- Suzuki Shinichi II 172 -- Usui Shusaburo 174 -- Nakajima Matsuchi 182 -- Ichida Sota 184 -- Yamamoto 186 -- Other Japanese Photographers 192 -- Chapter 4 1880s: Western Studios Give Way 196 -- Tamamura Kozaburo 198 -- Kusakabe Kimbei 203 -- Ogawa Kazumasa 210 -- Other Japanese Photographers 217 -- Adolfo Farsari 219 -- Francis Guillemard 224 -- Other Western Photographers 227 -- Chapter 5 1890s: Japanese Studios Dominate 230 -- Enami Tamotsu 232 -- Kajima Seibei 238 -- Ogawa Sashichi 241 -- Other Japanese Photographers 244 -- Henry Strohmeyer 246 -- Walter Clutterbuck 248 -- William Burton 252 -- Other Western Photographers 256 -- Chapter 6 1900s: In Full Control 262 -- Herbert Ponting 265 -- Otis Poole 271 -- Arnold Genthe 274 -- Karl Lewis 276 -- James Ricalton 279 -- James Hare 286 -- Jack London 288 -- Other Western Photographers 290 -- Takagi Teijiro 294 -- Other Japanese Photographers 295 -- Appendix 1 Negretti and Zambra China/Japan Stereoviews 305 -- Appendix 2 Photographic Difficulties in 1860s Japan and China 306 -- Appendix 3 Photographic Copyright Regulations in Japan, 1887 308 -- Photographic Terms and Glossary 310.

Photography in Japan 1853-1912 is an authoritative and unique visual record of Japan's metamorphosis from a feudal society to a modern, industrial nation. The 350 old and rare images in this book, most of them published here for the first time, not only chronicle the introduction of photography in Japan, but also demonstrate how early photographic images are vital in helping to understand the dramatic changes that occurred in Japan during the mid-nineteenth century.


0804836337 (hbk.)
9780804836333 (hbk.)
4805313110 (pbk.)
9784805313114 (pbk.)


Photography Japan History.
21.40 photographic art: general.
20.43 Japanese art.
Social conditions
Japan History 1868- Pictorial works.
Japan Social conditions 1868- Pictorial works.
Japon Conditions sociales 1868- Ouvrages illustrés.


Illustrated works


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 250780
Cote: TR105 .B46 2006
Statut: Disponible


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