Urbanization : an introduction to urban geography / Paul L. Knox, Linda McCarthy.
Entrée principale:

Knox, Paul L.

Titre et auteur:

Urbanization : an introduction to urban geography / Paul L. Knox, Linda McCarthy.


3rd ed.


Boston : Pearson, ©2012.


xiii, 459 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm

Advertising excluded from the pagination.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Urbanization and Urban Geography -- 2. The Origins and Growth of Cities and Urban Life -- 3. Foundations: The U.S. Urban System and its Cities -- 4. Urban Systems and Cities in Transition -- 5. Urbanization in the Less Developed Countries -- 6. Urban Form and Land Use in the Less Developed Countries -- 7. Urban Problems and Responses in the Less Developed Countries -- 8. The Urban Development Process -- 9. How Neighborhoods Change -- 10. The Politics of Change: Urbanization and Urban Governance -- 11. Urban Policy and Planning -- 12. The Residential Kaleidoscope -- 13. The City as Text: Architecture and Urban Design -- 14. Urbanization, Urban Life, and Urban Spaces -- 15. Problems of Urbanization
Bernal Diaz Del Castillo's Description of Tenochtitlan in 1519 -- Preconditions for Urbanization -- Theories of Urban Origins -- Agricultural Surplus -- Hydrological Factors -- Population Pressures -- Trading Requirements -- Defense Needs -- Religious Causes -- More Comprehensive Explanation -- Urban Origins -- Mesopotamia -- Egypt -- Indus Valley -- Northern China -- Andes and Mesoamerica -- Internal Structure of the Earliest Cities -- Urban View 2.2 Internal Structure of the Earliest Cities -- Urban Expansion from the Regions of Urban Origin -- Urban View 2.3 Silk Road: Long-Distance Trade and Urban Expansion -- Roots of European Urban Expansion -- Greek Cities -- Roman Cities -- Dark Ages -- Urban Revival in Europe during the Medieval Period -- Urban View 2.4 Hanseatic League Cities -- Urban Expansion and Consolidation during the Renaissance and Baroque Periods.
Urbanization and the Industrial Revolution -- Urban View 2.5 Manchester: Shock City of European Industrialization.
Note continued: Urban View 2.6 Residential Segregation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Glasgow, Scotland -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 3 Foundations: The U.S. Urban System And Its Cities -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 3.1 Frontier Urbanization and Some Problems of Daily Life -- Frontier Urbanization -- Mercantile Period (1790 -- 1840) -- Urban View 3.2 Vance's Mercantile Model -- Inside the Mercantile City -- Pedestrian City -- Models Of The Mercantile City -- Early Industrial Expansion and Regional Realignment (1840 -- 1875) -- Some Principles of Urban Growth -- Interpreting and Analyzing the Urban Hierarchy and the Central Place System -- Rank-Size Rule -- Central Place Theory -- Beyond Consumer Hinterlands -- Inside the Early Industrial City -- Urbanization and the Public Interest -- Urban View 3.3 Immigrant Housing Conditions.
Instruments of Change: Horsecars and Railroads -- Horsecars -- Railroads -- Organization of Industry (1875 -- 1920) -- Industrial City -- Economic Specialization And The Reorganization Of Urban Space -- Framing The City: Networked Infrastructures -- Emergence Of Land Use Zoning Laws -- Suburban Explosion: Streetcar Suburbs -- Rapid Transit -- Mass Transport And Real Estate Development -- Inside the Industrial City -- Central Business Districts -- Department Stores And Shopping Districts -- Downtown Office Districts -- Warehouse Zones -- City Halls And Civic Pride -- Spatial Organization Of Cbds -- Land Values And Urban Land Use -- Sectors And Zones -- Filtering And Vacancy Chains -- Fordism, the Automobile, Suburban Infill, and the Great Depression (1920 -- 1945) -- Critical Turn for Urbanization: The Depression and Macroeconomic Management -- Rise of Suburbia -- Fordism -- Paving the Way for Suburbanization.
Parkways -- Decline Of Mass Transit -- Patterns of Suburban Growth.
Note continued: Automobile Suburbs -- Planned Suburbs -- Suburbanization And Federal Policy -- Suburbanization Of Commerce And Industry -- New Patterns Of Land Use -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 4 Urban Systems And Cities In Transition -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 4.1 Fast Food and Religion in the Exhaust of a Drive-in Culture -- Regional Decentralization and Metropolitan Sprawl (1945 -- 1973) -- Metropolitan Sprawl -- Fordist Suburb -- Suburban Production and Consumption Spaces -- Central City Land Use -- Demographic and Social Change in Cities -- Urban View 4.2 Canadian Urban System -- Baby Boomers And Urban Culture 98 Aging Populations -- Burden Of Youth 98 The New Immigrants -- Urban View 4.3 Boomerang Generation: Y Us? -- Economic crisis, Restructuring, and New Metropolitan Form (1973 -- Present).
Economic Crisis and Urban Distress (1973 -- 1983) -- Urban View 4.4 Contemporary European Urbanization -- Economic Restructuring and New Metropolitan Form (1983 -- Present) -- Urban View 4.5 Australian Cities -- World Cities -- Globalization and Urban Change -- Urban View 4.6 Japanese Cities: Tokyo and the Tokaido Megapolitan Region -- Polycentric Metropolis -- End of "Suburbia" -- Urban View 4.7 From Boomburbs to Bustburbs? -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- pt. 3 Urbanization and the Less Developed Countries -- ch. 5 Urbanization In The Less Developed Countries -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 5.1 Dream of a Better Life as a Garment Girl in Dhaka -- Urbanization Trends and Projections: The Less Developed Countries in Global Context -- Factors Promoting Urban Growth -- Urban View 5.2 Fleeing the Countryside for Life in the City in Africa.
Theories of Urbanization and Economic Development -- Modernization Theories: The Developmental Approach.
Note continued: Urban Bias and Underdevelopment -- Urban View 5.3 Model of Peripheral Urbanization -- New Models from the Less Developed Countries: Opportunities for Development -- Historical Perspective on Colonial Urbanization -- Indigenous Urbanization at the Eve of the European Encounters -- Colonial Urbanization -- Mercantile Colonialism -- Industrial Colonialism -- Late Colonialism -- Early Independence -- Neocolonialism and the New International Division of Labor -- Globalization and Neoliberalism -- Overurbanization -- Overurbanization and Megacities -- Widespread Overurbanization -- Urban View 5.4 Harsh Realities of Life in a Megacity -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 6 Urban Form And Land Use In The Less Developed Countries -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 6.1 Life in a Haiti Tent City -- Patterns of Urban form and Land Use.
Latin American Cities -- African Cities -- Islamic Cities -- Urban View 6.2 Fighting Racial Discrimination in South African Cities with Soccer? -- Urban View 6.3 Towering Ambition in Persian Gulf Cities and the Global Economic Downturn -- South Asian Cities -- Urban View 6.4 Day in the Life of a Call Center Worker in India -- Southeast Asian Cities -- Urban View 6.5 Shanghai, a World City and "Dragon Head" of China's Economy -- East Asian Cities -- Urban View 6.6 Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Development in the Pearl River Delta, the World's Largest Extended Metropolitan Region -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 7 Urban Problems And Responses In The Less Developed Countries -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 7.1 Narrowing the Digital Divide in Africa: Skipping Landlines for Cell Phones -- Urban Problems -- Poverty -- Urban View 7.2.
Defying Gender Stereotypes: Las Cholitas in Bolivia -- Inadequate Housing.
Note continued: Lack of Urban Services -- Urban View 7.3 Terrible Human Toll: HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan African Cities -- Transportation Problems -- Urban View 7.4 How Rationing Can Backfire: The "Day Without a Car" Regulation in Mexico City -- Environmental Degradation -- Responses to the Problems of Urbanization -- Sustainable Urban Development -- "Globalization Paradox" and Recent Changes in Urban Governance -- Urban View 7.5 Urban Social Movements and the Role of Women: Mahila Milan in Mumbai, India -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- pt. 4 Processes of Urban Change -- ch. 8 Urban Development Process -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 8.1 Two Sides of the Housing Crisis: Skateboarding and Foreclosure -- Property, Location, Rent, and Investment -- Urban View 8.2 Global Financial Meltdown, Local Disinvestment -- Patterns of Investment in Land and Property.
Property as a Financial Asset -- Structures of Building Provision -- City Makers -- Landowners -- Speculators -- Developers -- Builders -- Consumers -- Realtors, Financiers, Other Professional Facilitators -- Government Agencies -- Market Responses of the Development Industry -- Urban View 8.3 Urban Development is Less and Less a Local Activity -- New Products -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 9 How Neighborhoods Change -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 9.1 Staying Put Despite the Spiral of Neighborhood Decline: A Mad Hatter? -- Neighborhood Change -- Redevelopment and Reinvestment -- Urban View 9.2 Household Life Cycle -- Neighborhood Life Cycles -- Housing Markets -- Urbanization and the Tenure Transformation -- Urban View 9.3 Cabrini-Green: A Cherished Home in a Place That was a Symbol of Everything Wrong with Public Housing -- Public Housing.
Urban View 9.4 Public and Private Housing in European Cities.
Note continued: Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change -- Movers, Stayers, and Neighborhood Change -- Impact of New Arrivals to the City -- Intraurban Moves -- Urban View 9.5 Neighborhood Stability in West European Cities -- Reasons for Moving -- Understanding Household Behavior: The Decision to Move -- Understanding Household Behavior: The Search for Alternative Places to Live -- Housing Market Gatekeepers, Bias, and Discrimination -- Real Estate Agents as Social Gatekeepers -- Mortgage Finance Managers as Social Gatekeepers -- Insurance Agents as Social Gatekeepers -- Urban View 9.6 Hoxton's Serial Transformations -- Putting it all Together: The Example of Gentrification -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 10 Politics Of Change: Urbanization And Urban Governance -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 10.1 Disneyfication of Times Square.
History of Urban Governance -- Laissez-faire and Economic Liberalism (1790 -- 1840) -- Municipal Socialism and the Rise of Machine Politics (1840 -- 1875) -- Boosterism and the Politics of Reform (1875 -- 1920) -- Progressive Era -- Annexation -- Egalitarian Liberalism and Metropolitan Fragmentation (1920 -- 1945) -- New Deal -- Cities as Growth Machines and Service Providers (1945 -- 1973) -- Black Power And Black Politics -- Urban View 10.2 Milwaukee Demolishes the "Freeway to Nowhere" -- Struggle For Social Justice And Spatial Equity -- Entrepreneurial Politics and Neoliberalism (1973 -- Present) -- Urban View 10.3 Tax Increment Financing (TIF) -- Fiscal Crisis -- Urban View 10.4 Fiscal Squeeze and U.S. Central Cities -- Fiscal Retrenchment and Neoliberalism -- Privatized City -- Privatopia -- Nimbyism, Smart Growth, And The Geopolitics Of Suburbia -- Zoning Struggles -- "SMART" GROWTH.
Civic Entrepreneurialism and the Politics of Image -- Strategies For Urban Economic Development.
Note continued: Politics Of Packaging -- Perspectives on Governance, Politics, and Urban Change -- Structure of Local Power -- Role of the Local State -- Patterns of Local Conflict -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 11 Urban Policy And Planning -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Roots of Urban Policy and Planning -- Urban View 11.1 Competition at all Costs: Civic Entrepreneurialism Taken Too Far? -- Themes and Perspectives -- Beginning: Philanthropy and Reform -- Early European Traditions -- Ebenezer Howard And Garden Cities -- Patrick Geddes And Scientific Planning -- United States: Jacob Riis and the Tenement Commissions -- Progressive Era Reforms -- Settlement Houses -- Park Movement -- City Beautiful Movement -- City Practical -- New Deal -- Policy and Planning for Renewal and Growth (1945 -- 1973) -- Europe: Planning For Renewal -- Urban View 11.2.
Visible Legacy of Urban Policy and Planning in European Cities -- United States: Planning for Growth -- Courts and Urban Policy in the United States -- School Desegregation -- Restrictive Covenants -- Civil Rights -- Federal Policy Initiatives -- Evangelical Bureaucrats -- Neoliberal Policy and Planning -- Property Rights Movement -- Planning as Dealmaking -- Urban View 11.3 Kelo v. City of New London Eminent Domain Lawsuit -- Urban View 11.4 Urban Regeneration in London's Docklands -- Mixed-Use Developments And Cluster Zoning -- Urban View 11.5 Competitive Regionalism -- Planning for Healthy and Livable Cities -- Sustainability and Green Urbanism -- Urban View 11.6 Cities Take Environmental Sustainability Efforts into Their Own Hands -- Urban View 11.7 Sustainable Metropolitan Planning Efforts in the United States -- Metropolitan Governance and Planning -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities.
pt. 5 People and Places -- ch. 12 Residential Kaleidoscope.
Note continued: Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 12.1 French Ghetto Beat of a Muslim Rapper -- Social Interaction and Residential Segregation -- Territoriality -- Foundations of Residential Segregation -- Social Status -- Household Type -- Urban View 12.2 Social Construction of Race -- Ethnicity -- Lifestyle -- Urban View 12.3 Social Exclusion and Migrant Workers in European Cities -- Interpretations of Residential Ecology -- Chicago School: Human Ecology -- Criticisms Of Human Ecology -- Factorial Ecology -- Urban View 12.4 Residential and Economic Structure in European Cities -- Recent Changes to the Foundations of Residential Segregation -- New Divisions of Labor, New Household Types, and New Lifestyles -- New Roles For Women -- Urban View 12.5 Ethnoburb -- A New Suburban Ethnic Settlement -- New Patterns Of Household Formation.
Increased Materialism And New Lifestyles -- Urban View 12.6 "Inconspicuous Consumption?" -- Social Polarization and Spatial Segregation -- New Residential Mosaic: "Lifestyle" Communities -- Urban View 12.7 GIS Marketing Applications Help Starbucks to Brew up Better Locational Analyses -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 13 City As Text: Architecture And Urban Design -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 13.1 Disney's Celebration: Designing the Happiest Place on Earth? -- Architecture and the Dynamics of Urban Change -- Architecture and Exchange Value -- Architecture and the Circulation of Capital -- Architecture and Legitimation -- Meaning And Symbolism -- Architecture versus "Mere Building" -- Style of Production/The Production of Style -- Arcadian Classicism and the "Middle Landscape" -- Public Parks -- Beaux Arts and the City Beautiful -- American Way: Skyscrapers.
Modernism: Architecture as Social Redemption -- Arts And Crafts And Art Nouveau.
Note continued: Early Modernists -- Bauhaus And The Modern Movement -- Le Corbusier -- American Response -- Critique Of Modernism -- Postmodern Interlude -- New Urbanism -- Historic Preservation -- Design for Dystopia -- Fortress L.A. -- "Starchitects," "Starchitecture," and World Cities -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 14 Urbanization, Urban Life, And Urban Spaces -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 14.1 Writing on the Wall for Territoriality? Taggers Respect Community Mural Painted in "Neutral" Colors -- Social Life in Cities -- Theoretical Interpretations of Urban Life -- "Moral Order" of City Life -- Urban View 14.2 "Sex and the City": Prostitution -- Anomie And Deviant Behavior -- Liberating Aspects Of Urban Life -- Urbanism as a Way of Life -- Public and Private Worlds of City Life -- Changing Metropolitan Form and New Forms of Urbanism.
Urban Villages -- Urban View 14.3 Homosexuality and the City -- Suburban Communality, "Habitus," And Contemporary Lifestyles -- Community and Territory -- Cognition, Perception, And Mental Maps Of The City -- Appraisive Images -- Lifeworlds and the "Structuration" of Social Life -- Urban View 14.4 Disability and the City -- Time-Space Routines -- Urban View 14.5 Structuration: Time and Space in People's Everyday Life -- Gendered Spaces -- Creation of Women's Spaces -- Changing Roles, Changing Spaces -- Discrimination by Design: Domestic Architecture and Gender Differences -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities -- ch. 15 Problems Of Urbanization -- Learning Outcomes -- Chapter Preview -- Urban View 15.1 Homeless Students Struggle to Keep Up -- Problem? What Problem? -- From Haunts of Vice to Gang Wastelands -- and Back -- Problems of the Early Industrial City.
Problems of the Industrial City -- Problems of the Post-War City (1945 -- 73).
Note continued: Problems of the Neoliberal City -- Poverty -- Cycle of Poverty -- Urban View 15.2 Poverty, Stress, and Civil Disorder in U.S. Cities -- Poverty In U.S. Metropolitan Areas -- Dual Cities? -- Criminal Violence -- Urban View 15.3 High School Student Drug Abuse -- Spatial Patterns -- Urban View 15.4 Russian Mafia Crime and Corruption -- Not Just in Russian Cities Anymore -- Effects of Crime on Urbanization and Urban Life -- Urban View 15.5 Terrorism and Cities -- Homelessness -- Causes of Homelessness -- Infrastructure and Environmental Problems -- Water Supply Problems -- Urban View 15.6 Brownfield Redevelopment -- Air Pollution -- Urban View 15.7 High-Speed Rail in Europe -- Infrastructure Crisis -- Urban View 15.8 London's Traffic Congestion Charge -- Persistent Future Problems -- Follow Up: Key Terms -- Review Activities.



Urban geography.
Géographie urbaine.
human geography.

Vedettes secondaires:

McCarthy, Linda (Linda Mary)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282049
Cote: BIB 219188
Statut: Disponible


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