Processing : a programming handbook for visual designers and artists / Casey Reas, Ben Fry.
Entrée principale:

Reas, Casey.

Titre et auteur:

Processing : a programming handbook for visual designers and artists / Casey Reas, Ben Fry.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©2007.


xxvi, 710 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm

Foreword by John Maeda.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Processing -- Using processing -- Structure 1: code elements -- Shape 1: coordinates, primitives -- Data 1: variables -- Math 1: arithmetic, functions -- Control 1: decisions -- Control 2: repetition -- Shape 2: vertices -- Math 2: curves -- Color 1: color by numbers -- Image 1: display, tint -- Data 2: text -- Data 3: conversion, objects -- Typography 1: display -- Math 3: trigonometry -- Math 4: random -- Transform 1: translate, matrices -- Transform 2: rotate, scale -- Development 1: sketching, techniques -- Synthesis 1: form and code -- Interviews 1: print -- Structure 2: continuous -- Structure 3: functions -- Shape 3: parameters, recursion -- Input 1: mouse I -- Drawing 1: static forms -- Input 2: keyboard -- Input 3: events -- Input 4: mouse II -- Input 5: time, date -- Development 2: iteration, debugging -- Synthesis 2: input and response -- Interviews 2: software, web -- Motion 1: lines, curves -- Motion 2: machine, organism -- Data 4: arrays -- Image 2: animation -- Image 3: pixels -- Typography 2: motion -- Typography 3: response -- Color 2: components -- Image 4: filter, blend, copy, mask -- Image 5: image processing -- Output 1: images -- Synthesis 3: motion and arrays -- Interviews 3: animation, video -- Structure 4: objects I -- Drawing 2: kinetic forms -- Output 2: file export -- Input 6: file Import -- Input 7: interface -- Structure 5: objects II -- Simulate 1: biology -- Simulate 2: physics -- Synthesis 4: structure, interface -- Interviews 4: performance, installation -- Extension 1: continuing -- Extension 2: 3D -- Extension 3: vision -- Extension 4: network -- Extension 5: sound -- Extension 6: print -- Extension 7: mobile -- Extension 8: electronics.

"This book is an introduction to the concepts of computer programming within the context of the visual arts. It offers a reference and text for Processing (www.processing.org), an open-source programming language that can be used by students, artists, designers, architects, researchers, and anyone who wants to program images, animation, and interactivity. Tutorial units make up the bulk of the book and introduce the syntax and concepts of software (including variables, functions, and object-oriented programming), cover such topics as images and drawing in relation to software, and feature many short, prototypical example programs with related images and explanations. More advanced professional projects from such domains as animation, performance, and typography are discussed in interviews with their creators. "Extensions" present concise introductions to further areas of investigation, including computer vision, sound, and electronics. The Processing software and all of the code presented can be downloaded and run for future exploration."--Jacket.


9780262182621 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0262182629 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Computer programming.
Computer graphics Computer programs.
Computer art Computer programs.
Art Data processing.
Art and technology.
Computer art.
Programmation (Informatique)
Infographie Logiciels.
Art numérique Logiciels.
Art par ordinateur.
Art et technologie.
Art Informatique.
computer programming.
computer art (visual works)
Programació (Ordinadors)
Art digital.
Art i tecnologia.
Processing (computer file) Visual Design.
Digital art Computer programs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Fry, Ben.
Maeda, John


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 277112
Cote: BIB 211759
Statut: Disponible


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