Producing Bollywood : inside the contemporary Hindi film industry / Tejaswini Ganti.
Entrée principale:

Ganti, Tejaswini.

Titre et auteur:

Producing Bollywood : inside the contemporary Hindi film industry / Tejaswini Ganti.


Durham : Duke University Press, ©2012.


xiv, 424 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 401-415) and index.
From vice to virtue : the state and filmmaking in India -- From slumdogs to millionaires : the gentrification of Hindi cinema -- Casting respectability -- A day in the life of a Hindi film set -- The structure, organization, and social relations of the Hindi film industry -- Sentiments of disdain and practices of distinction : the work culture of the Hindi film industry -- Risky business : managing uncertainty in the Hindi film industry -- Pleasing both aunties and servants : the Hindi film industry & its audience imaginaries -- The fear of large numbers : the gentrification of audience imaginaries.

Producing Bollywood offers an unprecedented look inside the social and professional worlds of the Mumbai-based Hindi film industry and explains how it became "Bollywood," the global film phenomenon and potent symbol of India as a rising economic powerhouse. In this rich and entertaining ethnography Tejaswini Ganti examines the changes in Hindi film production from the 1990s until 2010, locating them in Hindi filmmakers' efforts to accrue symbolic capital, social respectability, and professional distinction, and to manage the commercial uncertainties of filmmaking. These efforts have been enabled by the neoliberal restructuring of the Indian state and economy since 1991. This restructuring has dramatically altered the country's media landscape, which quickly expanded to include satellite television and multiplex theaters. Ganti contends that the Hindi film industry's metamorphosis into Bollywood would not have been possible without the rise of neoliberal economic ideals in India. By describing dramatic transformations in the Hindi film industry's production culture, daily practices, and filmmaking ideologies during a decade of tremendous social and economic change in India, Ganti offers valuable new insights into the effects of neoliberalism on cultural production in a postcolonial setting.


9780822352020 (alk. paper)
0822352028 (alk. paper)
9780822352136 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0822352133 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Bibel Philemonbrief
Motion picture industry India Mumbai.
Motion pictures, Hindi India Mumbai.
Cinéma hindi Inde Mumbai.
Motion picture industry.
Motion pictures, Hindi.
Audiovisuelle Medien
India Mumbai.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 289307
Cote: BIB 231642
Statut: Disponible


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