Peters, Paulhans.
Franz Riepl, Architekt = Franz Riepl, architect / Paulhans Peters.
Stuttgart : Edition Axel Menges, 2006.
231 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 31 cm
"Architecture has always been both: cathedral and cottage, palace and farmhouse, museum and workshop, splendour and modesty. Together they created the image of the built world, with each playing its own part. Today attention is far too often paid to the unusual, the momentous, to striking architecture, in other words. The "other building" does exist as well, but it is too little anchored in the public consciousness. And architects are often not very interested in it either." "This is what Franz Riepl, born in Upper Austria in 1932, saw as his work as architect and teacher at the Technische Universitat Graz: his buildings and his teaching were intended to attract the kind of exemplary attention to the forgotten, despised, sidelined kind of everyday building that is appropriate for this important element in the overall architectural pattern. For Riepl, this everyday building was not a protest against architecture with allegedly or genuinely significant content, but always the building's opposite, equally justifiable pole." "That is the aim of this book: to show that it is not the most spectacular thing that is the most important, but appropriateness of form, modesty corresponding with function, lasting sustainability. Readers will recognize that Riepl's housing estates are neither routine nor fashion, from the planning concept to the ground plans and details, but represent a humanely enhanced everyday world for their users. They exude lucidity, the result of intensive design work. And they are still not outdated after decades, but good to use, and evidence of the master building of their period."--Jacket.
3936681007 (cl.)
9783936681000 (cl.)
Riepl, Franz, 1932-
Riepl, Franz 1932-
Riepl, Franz (Architekt)
Architecture, Domestic Austria.
Architecture Austria History 20th century.
Architecture Autriche Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture, Domestic.
Riepl, Franz, 1932-
Franz Riepl, architect
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 250639
Cote: BIB 180136
Statut: Disponible
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