Robert Maguire & Keith Murray / Gerald Adler.
Entrée principale:

Adler, Gerald, 1955-

Titre et auteur:

Robert Maguire & Keith Murray / Gerald Adler.


London : RIBA Pub., ©2012.


x, 206 pages : illustrations, plans ; 24 cm.


Twentieth century architects

Includes bibliographical references and index.
1 Humanist Brutalists 7 -- 2 House 35 -- 3 Church 69 -- 4 School 107 -- 5 Style 145.

Robert Maguire was still a student at the Architectural Association in London in the early 1950s when he designed his first church. A committed Christian and enthusiast for contemporary design, he was a leading figure in the liturgical reform movement that sought to find an appropriate, modern setting for worship. His design for St Paul, Bow Common in London's East End was the first such church to be built in Britain, and was followed by a remarkable series of churches and other religious buildings in England in the 1960s and '70s designed together with the silversmith and designer Keith Murray, with whom he went into partnership in the late 1950s. The practice was famous for pursuing the intellectual and architectural toughness of the New Brutalism with the humanity and warmth of the Scandinavian tradition. They completely rethought the design of churches, and went on to reinvent the typology of both the school and of student accommodation. Bow Common school revolutionised open plan layouts, and Stag Hill Court student houses for the University of Surrey set new standards in communal living with its finely judged mix of privacy and community.


9781859461655 (pbk.)
1859461654 (pbk.)


Maguire, Robert (Robert Alfred)
Murray, Keith, 1929-2005.
Murray, Keith, 1929-
Architectural firms Great Britain History 20th century.
Architects Great Britain Biography.
Church architecture Great Britain History 20th century.
Agences d'architecture Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architectes Grande-Bretagne Biographies.
Architecture chrétienne Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architectural firms
Church architecture
Great Britain



Vedettes secondaires:

Maguire, Robert (Robert Alfred)
Murray, Keith, 1929-2005.
Twentieth century architects.

Robert Maguire and Keith Murray


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286156
Cote: BIB 226319
Statut: Disponible


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