Gross, Frederick, 1968- author.
Diane Arbus's 1960s : auguries of experience / Frederick Gross.
Minneapolis ; London : University of Minnesota Press, [2012]
xiv, 264 pages ; 23 cm
Gross (art history, Savannah College of Art and Design) goes against the stereotype of New York photographer Diane Arbus as 'Sylvia Plath with a camera' in this examination of Arbus's work within the cultural, literary, and artistic milieu of the 1960s. The author discusses Arbus's portraits, street scenes, images of madness and disability, and her magazine work, including a spread of portraits of children in the magazine Harper's Bazaar, entitled "Auguries of Innocence." Other photographers, artists, and authors under discussion include Robert Frank, Truman Capote, Richard Avedon, Andy Warhol, Roland Barthes, and William Burroughs. The book is for art and photography historians, social and cultural theorists, and lovers of 1960s visual culture. Unfortunately, it contains no photos.
9780816670116 (cloth ; acid-free paper)
0816670110 (cloth ; acid-free paper)
9780816670123 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0816670129 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Arbus, Diane, 1923-1971 Criticism and interpretation.
Arbus, Diane, 1923-1971
Arbus, Diane 1923-1971
Photography History 20th century.
Photographie Histoire 20e siècle.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 277668
Cote: BIB 212545
Statut: Disponible
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