Nordic light : modern Scandinavian architecture / Henry Plummer.
Entrée principale:

Plummer, Henry, 1946-

Titre et auteur:

Nordic light : modern Scandinavian architecture / Henry Plummer.


New York : Thames & Hudson, 2012.


256 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 252-253).
Introduction: seeking light in the mystical north -- Whiteness: the pristine beauty and illuminating power of pure, white volumes -- Rhythm: the embodiment of the pulse of nature in vibrating patterns of light -- Journey: the galvanizing of space with alluring cues and beacons of light -- Carving: the moulding of light into empty yet compelling and unforgettable figures -- Forest: the conversion of forest light into vessels and frameworks of wood -- Transiency: the drama of expectation and loss in evanescent displays of light -- Tranquillity: the peaceful glow and solitude of unadorned things reduced to their essence -- Diffusion: the widespread distribution and softened glare of scarce natural light -- Darkness: the resonance of dark beginnings and arctic night in shadowy spaces.

This book celebrates established icons, newly discovered gems and contemporary masterworks that represent the highest expression of Scandinavian design and response to their environment. Fifty projects are featured in detail, ordered according to the way in which different light conditions have imparted particular qualities on the buildings. Henry Plummer treats his subject from a uniquely authoritative perspective in which his words resonate directly with his artfully taken images. Books that give a true sense of the magical light that have shaped great buildings are rare: this is a publication to savour. Nine chapters present established icons, newly discovered gems and contemporary masterworks, according to the way in which different light conditions have imparted particular qualities to buildings. Among the buildings featured are Arne Jacobsens town hall in Arhus, Denmark, Alvar Aaltos Villa Mairea in Finland, Klas Anshelms Malmo Konsthall in Sweden, and many others. Each chapter features an introduction, which traces the nature, quality and cultural history of that aspect of light.




Light in architecture.
Lighting, Architectural and decorative.
Architecture Scandinavia.
Éclairage naturel.
Lumière en architecture.
Architecture Scandinavie.
Architecture and Planning.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278013
Cote: BIB 213348
Statut: Disponible


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