The Festival of Britain : a land and its people / Harriet Atkinson with a foreword by Mary Banham.
Entrée principale:

Atkinson, Harriet.

Titre et auteur:

The Festival of Britain : a land and its people / Harriet Atkinson with a foreword by Mary Banham.


London ; New York : I.B. Tauris & Co. ; New York : Distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


xxix, 242 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 24 cm

"Select bibliography": pages 231-232.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
List of Illustrations -- Notes and abbreviations -- Acknowledgements -- Foreword by Mary Banham -- The major Festival exhibitions -- Introduction: "It was nice, wasn't it?" -- 1) "This Festival of ours is a deadly serious affair" -- 2) Towards a Festival Exhibition Style -- 3) "A constellation of events" -- 4) "All through the land": Exhibiting The Land and People of Britain -- 5) "Spontaneous expressions of citizenship": Exhibiting People at Work -- 6) "An essential ingredient of democracy": Exhibiting the English Language -- 7) "From the planning of the kitchen to the planning of the nation": Exhibiting Homes and Neighbourhoods -- 8) "Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye" -- Postscript: 60 Years After '51 -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index.

The Festival of Britain in 1951 transformed the way people saw their war-ravaged nation. Giving Britons an intimate experience of contemporary design and modern building, it helped them accept a landscape under reconstruction, and brought hope of a better world to come. Drawing on previously unseen sketches and plans, photographs and interviews, The Festival of Britain: A Land and Its People travels beyond the Festival's spectacular centrepiece at London's South Bank, to show how the Festival made the whole country an exhibition ground with events to which hundreds of the country's greatest architects, artists and designers contributed. It explores exhibitions in Poplar, Battersea and South Kensington in London; Belfast, Glasgow and Wales; a touring show carried on four lorries and another aboard an ex-aircraft carrier. It reveals how all these exhibitions and also plays, poetry, art and films commissioned for the Festival had a single focus: to unite 'the land and people of Britain'.


9781848857926 (pbk.)
1848857926 (pbk.)


Festival of Britain (1951 : Great Britain)
Festival of Britain (1951)
Festival of Britain.
Festival of Britain 1951
Exhibitions Great Britain.
Art and Design.
Social conditions
Great Britain Social conditions 1945-
Grande-Bretagne Conditions sociales 1945-
Great Britain.

Vedettes secondaires:

Banham, Mary.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284548
Cote: BIB 223531
Statut: Disponible


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