Robert Smithson, art in continual movement : a contemporary reading / edited by Ingrid Commandeur and Trudy van Riemsdijk-Zandee ; with texts by Anja Novak [and others].
Entrée principale:

Smithson, Robert.

Titre et auteur:

Robert Smithson, art in continual movement : a contemporary reading / edited by Ingrid Commandeur and Trudy van Riemsdijk-Zandee ; with texts by Anja Novak [and others].


Amsterdam : Alauda Publications, ©2012.


239 pages : illustrations (some color), plans, maps ; 28 cm

"Models of spectatorship -- Art, research, ecology -- Documentation -- Museum, media, society -- The cinematic."
Includes bibliographical references.
Robert Smithson : art in continual movement / Ingrid Commandeur and Trudy van Riemsdijk-Zandee -- Engaging environments : the practice of Robert Smithson and Olafur Eliasson as an instance of environmental aesthetics / Anja Novak -- A dark spot of exasperation : from Smithson to the Spime / Max Andrews -- The ethics and politics of documentation : on continuity and change in the work of Robert Smithson / Vivian van Saaze -- Nullifying : McLuhan, Smithson and the future of the museum / Stefan Heidenreich -- In the vicinity of ... : a dialogue on Broken circle/Spiral hill and/as cinema / Eric C.H. de Bruyn and Sven Lütticken.

Robert Smithson, who achieved cult status in the international art scene during the 1960s and 1970s, continues to generate great interest among artists and curators to this day. This book brings together a complete selection of archival material related to the work - ranging from photographs, film scripts and drawings to original manuscripts and letters - spread over different archives in the Netherlands and the US.


9789081531481 (hardcover)
9081531484 (hardcover)


Smithson, Robert Criticism and interpretation.
Smithson, Robert.
Smithson, Robert 1938-1973
Earthworks (Art)
Land art.
earthworks (sculpture)


Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Commandeur, Ingrid.
Riemsdijk-Zandee, Trudy van.
Novak, Anja (Anja Maria), 1970-

Art in continual movement


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280873
Cote: BIB 217913
Statut: Disponible


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