Episodes in the Gothic revival : six church architects / edited by Christopher Webster.
Reading : Spire, ©2011.
240 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Spire studies in architectural history ; v. 1
The stylistic shift during the 19th century which saw a renewed interest in Gothic was one of the century's most profound architectural developments. This title identifies six groundbreaking architects, each of whom added his own particular contribution to the movement.
9781904965343 (hbk.)
1904965342 (hbk.)
Architects Great Britain.
Gothic revival (Architecture) Great Britain.
Church architecture Great Britain History 19th century.
Architectes Grande-Bretagne.
Néo-gothique (Architecture) Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture chrétienne Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle.
Church architecture.
Gothic revival (Architecture)
Great Britain.
Webster, Christopher (Architectural historian)
Spire studies in architectural history ; v. 1.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 277925
Cote: BIB 213052
Statut: Disponible
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