Site of sound #2 : of architecture and the ear / edited by Brandon LaBelle & Cláudia Martinho.
Berlin : Errant Bodies Press ; New York : Distributed by DAP, ©2011.
301 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm + 1 audio disc (digital ; 4 3/4 in.)
"Site of Sound vol. 2 aims to address contemporary work being done in the cross-over between sound and architecture. The anthology brings together new research and writing that charts out the theoretical implications and consequences for artistic and spatial discourses, while documenting contemporary projects that come to occupy and define a sonic-spatial territory."--Page 4 of cover.
9780982743904 (paperback)
0982743904 (paperback)
Sound in art.
Performance art.
Installations (Art)
Music and architecture.
Musique et architecture.
installations (visual works)
Ljud i konsten.
Optical disks.
Compact discs.
Sound recordings.
sound recordings.
Installation works (Art)
Enregistrements sonores.
LaBelle, Brandon.
Martinho, Cláudia.
Of architecture and the ear
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 275018
Cote: BIB 209012
Statut: Disponible
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