Canadians and the natural environment to the twenty-first century / Neil S. Forkey.
Entrée principale:

Forkey, Neil Stevens, 1964-

Titre et auteur:

Canadians and the natural environment to the twenty-first century / Neil S. Forkey.


Toronto : University of Toronto Press, [2012]


157 pages ; 22 cm.


Themes in Canadian history ; 10

Includes bibliographical references (pages 127-150) and index.
Introduction -- The classification of Canada's environments (1600s to early 1900s) -- Natural resources, economic growth, and the need for conservation (1800s and 1900s) -- Romanticism and the preservation of nature (1800s and 1900s) -- Environmentalism (1950s to 2000s) -- Aboriginal Canadians and natural resources : an overview -- Conclusion.

"Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century provides an ideal foundation for undergraduates and general readers on the history of Canada's complex environmental issues. Through clear, easy-to-understand case studies, Neil Forkey integrates the ongoing interplay of humans and the natural world into national, continental, and global contexts. Forkey's engaging survey addresses significant episodes from across the country over the past four hundred years: the classification of Canada's environments by its earliest inhabitants, the relationship between science and sentiment in the Victorian era, the shift towards conservation and preservation of resources in the early twentieth century, and the rise of environmentalism and issues involving First Nations at the end of the century. Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century provides an accessible synthesis of the most important recent work in the field, making it a truly state-of-the-art contribution to Canadian environmental history."--Publisher's website.


9780802090225 (bound)
0802090222 (bound)
9780802048967 (pbk.)
080204896X (pbk.)


Human ecology Canada History.
Natural resources History.
Nature Effect of human beings on Canada History.
Environmental policy Canada History.
Conservation of natural resources Canada History.
Natural resources Canada History.
Écologie humaine Canada Histoire.
Ressources naturelles Canada Histoire.
Homme Influence sur la nature Canada Histoire.
Environnement Politique gouvernementale Canada Histoire.
Conservation des ressources naturelles Canada Histoire.
Environnement Canada Histoire.
Ressources naturelles Histoire.
Conservation of natural resources
Environmental policy
Human ecology
Natural resources
Nature Effect of human beings on
Canada Environmental conditions History.



Vedettes secondaires:

Themes in Canadian history ; 10.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 283734
Cote: GF511 .F67 2012
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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