The art of natural building : design, construction, resources / Joseph H. Kennedy [and others].
Titre et auteur:

The art of natural building : design, construction, resources / Joseph H. Kennedy [and others].


Philadelphia, Pa. : New Society ; Charlbury : Jon Carpenter, 2001.


xii, 291 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

The Earth She Laughed / Robert Francis Johnson -- The Context for Natural Building -- The Case for Natural Building / Michael G. Smith -- The Importance of Housing Ourselves / Ianto Evans -- Natural Building and Social Justice / Robert Bolman -- Building As If the Future Matters / Ted Butchart -- Vernacular Architecture of the Desert / Jean-Louis Bourgeois -- Sustainability and the Building Codes / David Eisenberg -- Life Cycle Cost and Value of Four Houses / David A. Bainbridge -- A Case for Caring Craftsmanship / Duncan MacMaster -- Desing and Planning -- Designing for Vitality / Carol Venolia -- Intuitive Design / Linda Smiley -- The Healthy House / Paula Baker-Laporte -- Responsive Design: Integrating the Spirit of Place with the Vision of Home / Susie Harrington -- Eighteen Design Principles to Make Square Feet Work Harder / Robert Gay -- Combining Natural Materials for Energy Efficiency / Catherine Wanek -- R-Value Comparison Chart -- Designing with the Sun / Susie Harrington -- Siting a Natural Building / Michael G. Smith -- The Permaculture House / Peter Bane -- Regenerative Building: An Ecological Approach / Michael G. Smith -- Ecovillages and Sustainable Communities / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Natural Building Materials and Techniques -- Natural Building Materials: An Overview / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Natural Insulation / Joseph F. Kennedy, Michael G. Smith -- Foundations for Natural Buildings / Michael G. Smith -- Rubble Trench Foundations / Rob Tom -- Earthen Floors / Athena Steen, Bill Steen -- A Tamped Road Base Floor / Frank Meyer -- Adobe Building / Paul G. McHenry -- Bamboo Construction / Darrel DeBoer -- Cob Building, Ancient and Modern / Michael G. Smith -- Compressed Earth Blocks / Wayne Nelson -- Cordwood Masonry: An Overview / Rob Roy -- Building with Earthbags / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Earthships: An Ecocentric Model / Jack Ehrhardt -- Digging In for Comfort / Kelly Hart -- Building with Hemp / Tom Woolley -- Light-Clay: An Introduction to German Clay Building Techniques / Frank Andresen -- Mechanizing Straw-Clay Production / Alfred von Bachmayr -- Paper Houses: Papercrete and Fidobe / Gordon Solberg -- Rammed Earth: From Pise to P.I.S.E. / Scott Grometer -- Stone Masonry / Michael G. Smith -- Straw Bale Building: Lessons Learned / Catherine Wanek -- Timber Framing: A Natural Building Form / Steve Chappell -- Wattle and Daub / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Roofs for Natural Building / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Green Roofs with Sod, Turf, or Straw / Paul Lacinski, Michel Bergeron -- Thatching Comes to America / Deanne Bednar -- Earth Plasters and Aliz / Carole Crews -- Working with Lime / Barbara Jones -- Natural Paints and Finishes / Joseph F. Kennedy -- Recovering from Waste: Using Recycled and Agricultural Materials / Dan Imhoff -- Building with the Sun: The Real Goods Solar Living Center / David Arkin -- From the Nile to the Rio Grande / Dick Doughty -- Elegant Solutions: The Work of Hassan Fathy / Simone Swan -- An Earthbag-Papercrete House / Kelly Hart -- Clay, Straw, and Permaculture: Natural Building at P.I.N.C. / Toby Hemenway -- The Earth Sweet Home Institute / Juliet Cuming, David Shaw -- Evolving a Village Vernacular: The Earthaven Experiment / Chuck Marsh -- Building with the Earth at Auroville / Satprem Maini -- Natural Building -- A European Tradition / Catherine Wanek -- Desert Island Books -- Selected Learning Centers -- Permissions.

9780865714335 (pbk.)
0865714339 (pbk.)


Environmental engineering.
Natural resources.
Architecture, Domestic 20th century Environmental aspects.
Dwellings Environmental engineering.
Building materials Environmental aspects.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Architecture domestique 20e siècle Aspect de l'environnement.
Habitations Construction Aspect de l'environnement.
Habitations Technique de l'environnement.
Construction Matériaux Aspect de l'environnement.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Technique de l'environnement.
Ressources naturelles.
constructions (sculpture)
environmental engineering.
natural resources.
Architecture, Domestic Environmental aspects

Vedettes secondaires:

Kennedy, Joseph H.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 225887
Cote: NA7117.5 N3 2002
Statut: Disponible


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