Urbanisation in China : happiness is seen everywhere = 在中国城市化, 幸福是随处可见 / 16x9. NL Production. Urbanisation in China : happiness is seen everywhere = Zai Zhongguo cheng shi hua, xing fu shi sui chu ke jian / 16x9. NL Production.
Amsterdam : Distributed by Architectura & Natura, [2011]
1 videodisc (60 min.) : sound, color ; 12 cm
" ... provides a background and context for the Chinese urbanisation. Filmed in and around Shanghai it specifically lets the inhabitants speak."--Container.
Urbanization China.
Urbanization China Shanghai.
Cities and towns China Growth.
City and town life China.
City planning China.
Social change China.
Urbanisation Chine.
Urbanisation Chine Shanghai.
Villes Chine Croissance.
Vie urbaine Chine.
Cities and towns Growth.
City and town life.
City planning.
Social change.
China Shanghai
Documentaries and Factual Films
Feature films Netherlands.
Feature films China.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Optical disks.
Documentary films.
Feature films.
Nonfiction films.
Films autres que de fiction.
Lingerak, David, film director, editor of moving image work.
Architectura & Natura, distributor.
16x9.NL Production, production company.
Urbanization in China
Zai Zhongguo cheng shi hua, xing fu shi sui chu ke jian
Urbanisation in China : happiness is seen everywhere = 在中国城市化, 幸福是随处可见 / 16x9. NL Production.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av 280736
Cote: BIB 217745
Statut: Disponible
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