Red cavalry : creation and power in Soviet Russia between 1917 and 1945 / [catalogue edited by Rosa Ferré ; texts, Anthony Anemone [and others] ; translations, Selma Ancira [and others]].
Entrée principale:

Caballería roja. English.

Titre et auteur:

Red cavalry : creation and power in Soviet Russia between 1917 and 1945 / [catalogue edited by Rosa Ferré ; texts, Anthony Anemone [and others] ; translations, Selma Ancira [and others]].


[Madrid] : [Casa Encendida], ©2011.


625 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 24 cm

Catalogue of an exhibition held at La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Oct. 7, 2011-Jan. 15, 2012.
Issued in Spanish under title: La caballería roja.
Includes bibliographical references.
The leftward march: political culture and cultural policy in 1920s revolutionary Russia / Evgeny Dobrenko -- Time is accelerating / Rosa Ferré -- The experiments at the Vkhutemas school / Christina Lodder -- The Left Front of the Arts (LEF): the technical development of revolutionary facts / Juan Ledezma -- The role of photomontage in shaping the policies of the USSR. The new kind of agitational art by Gustavs Klucis / Iveta Derkusova -- Pavel Filonov. Organism vs. machine / Rosa Ferré, Clara Grífol -- Gaze at what he has shown ... Vladimir Tatlin's flying machine / Rosa Ferré, Clara Grífol -- Towards a universal grammar: Pyotr Miturich and humanity's watchmaker / Clara Grífol -- Russian pioneers of sound art in the 1920s / Andrey Smirnov, Lyubov Pchelkina -- Utopia, dystopia and science fiction: the speculative urge in early Soviet culture / Anthony Anemone -- Terror and silver / Ricardo San Vicente -- The secret death of Isaak Babel / Jonathan Brent -- You will see me in the window. Kharms, Vvedensky and other degenerates (of OBERIU) / Miquel Cabal Guarro -- Boris Pilnyak: that pointless literary game must end / Rosa Ferré -- The light of the Moscow Kamerny Theatre / Dmitry Rodionov -- Vsevolod Meyerhold. Theatrical October / Rosa Ferré -- Discovering Nikolay Akimov / Elena Fedosova -- The epic retreat: political culture and cultural policy in 1930s Stalinist Russia / Evgeny Dobrenko -- Anxiety in the regime / Rosa Ferré -- Ilf and Petrov. The twelve chairs and the Soviet picaresque / Rosa Ferré -- Mikhail Zoshchenko. Humour's days are numbered / Rosa Ferré -- The story of the Belomor Canal. Poetising the Gulag / Rosa Ferré -- Electricity has no motherland. The porous prose of Andrey Platonov / Miquel Cabal Guarro -- Socialist realism from the viewpoint of critical art / Ekaterina Degot -- October's symphonies. Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Stalinist propaganda / Pascal Huynh -- Soviet cinema, between art and propaganda / John Riley -- Master and vozhd. The world-wide communism revolutionary national park / Vitaly Shentalinsky -- The three green cities of Moscow / Clara Grífol -- Timeline / Rosa Ferré, Clara Grífol -- List of works.
Dust jacket.



Arts, Russian 20th century Exhibitions.
Arts, Soviet Exhibitions.
Art and state Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Arts russes 20e siècle Expositions.
Arts soviétiques Expositions.
Art Politique gouvernementale URSS Expositions.
Art and state.
Arts, Russian.
Arts, Soviet.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Soviet Union.


Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Ferré, Rosa.
Anemone, Anthony.
Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain)

Creation and power in Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1945


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 276899
Cote: BIB 211461
Statut: Disponible


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