Black square : Malevich and the origin of suprematism / Aleksandra Shatskikh ; translated by Marian Schwartz.
Entrée principale:

Shatskikh, Aleksandra Semenovna, author.

Titre et auteur:

Black square : Malevich and the origin of suprematism / Aleksandra Shatskikh ; translated by Marian Schwartz.


New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.


xvii, 346 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 317-320) and index.
The Birth of Black Square -- On the Threshold of "0.10" -- From "0.10" to "Store" -- The Supremus Society -- The End of Painting.
In English; translated from Russian.

"Kazimir Malevich's painting Black Square is one of the twentieth century's emblematic paintings, the visual manifestation of a new period in world artistic culture at its inception. None of Malevich's contemporary revolutionaries created a manifesto, an emblem, as capacious and in its own way unique as this work; it became both the quintessence of the Russian avant-gardist's own art--which he called Suprematism--and a milestone on the highway of world art. Writing about this single painting, Aleksandra Shatskikh sheds new light on Malevich, the Suprematist movement, and the Russian avant-garde. Malevich devoted his entire life to explicating Black Square's meanings. This process engendered a great legacy: the original abstract movement in painting and its theoretical grounding; philosophical treatises; architectural models; new art pedagogy; innovative approaches to theater, music, and poetry; and the creation of a new visual environment through the introduction of decorative applied designs. All of this together spoke to the tremendous potential for innovative shape and thought formation concentrated in Black Square. To this day, many circumstances and events of the origins of Suprematism have remained obscure and have sprouted arbitrary interpretations and fictions. Close study of archival materials and testimonies of contemporaries synchronous to the events described has allowed this author to establish the true genesis of Suprematism and its principal painting"--Publisher's website.


9780300140897 (cloth ; alkaline paper)
0300140894 (cloth ; alkaline paper)


Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich, 1878-1935.
Malevitch, Kazimir, 1878-1935.
Suprematism in art.
Art Russia 20th century History.
Art Soviet Union History.
Art Russie 20e siècle Histoire.
Art URSS Histoire.
Suprematism i konsten.
Konst historia.
Soviet Union.



Vedettes secondaires:

Schwartz, Marian, 1951- translator.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280189
Cote: BIB 216699
Statut: Disponible


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