Anticipatory history / edited by Caitlin DeSilvey, Simon Naylor & Colin Sackett ; [Foreword by Stephen Daniels].
Axminster, Devon : Uniformbooks, 2011.
78 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
"This volume poses the term 'anticipatory history' as a tool to help us connect past, present and future environmental change. Through discussion of a series of topics, a range of leading academics, authors and practitioners consider how the stories we tell about ecological and landscape histories can help shape our perceptions of plausible environmental futures."--Publisher's blurb.
9780956855923 (paperback)
095685592X (paperback)
Human ecology Great Britain History.
Landscapes Great Britain History.
Climatic changes Great Britain History.
Art and science.
Artists' books Great Britain.
Climatic changes.
Climate Change
Paysages Grande-Bretagne Histoire.
Climat Changements Grande-Bretagne Histoire.
Art et sciences.
Livres d'artistes Grande-Bretagne.
Climat Changements.
climate change.
Artists' books
Human ecology
Chron. 2011.
Axminster, Devon Imprints Specimens 2011.
Great Britain
Artists' books Great Britain.
Daniels, Stephen. author of foreword.
DeSilvey, Caitlin. editor.
Naylor, Simon. editor.
Sackett, Colin. editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293730
Cote: BIB 238881
Statut: Disponible
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