Baumann, Boa.
Architektur Musik = Architecture music / [concept] Boa Baumann, Fritz Hauser ; [essays] Hubertus Adam, [Matthias Haldemann ; translations, Leslie Ocker, Simon Thomas].
Sulgen : Niggli, ©2011.
129 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 31 cm
"The collaboration between the architect Boa Baumann and the musician Fritz Hauser, which has lasted over twenty years, is an inspiring example of the combination of these disciplines, which are interrelated far too seldom in this day and age. To no small extent, Baumann and Hauser are united by a propensity for reduction and for unpretentious naturalness. This book aims to provide insight into an unusual friendship between artists and to let their joint oeuvre vividly come to the fore in front of this backdrop"--Page 4 of cover.
9783721208139 (hbk.)
3721208137 (hbk.)
Baumann, Boa.
Hauser, Fritz (Drummer)
Castel Burio arte (Project : Costigliole d'Asti, Italy) History.
Music and architecture Switzerland History and criticism.
Music and architecture Italy History and criticism.
Performance art History and criticism.
Artistic collaboration History.
Musique et architecture Suisse Histoire et critique.
Musique et architecture Italie Histoire et critique.
Collaboration artistique Histoire.
Manœuvre artistique Histoire et critique.
Music and architecture
Performance art
Artistic collaboration
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Hauser, Fritz (Drummer)
Adam, Hubertus, 1965-
Haldemann, Matthias.
Architecture music
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278289
Cote: BIB 213854
Statut: Disponible
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