Harvey, David, 1935-
The condition of postmodernity : an enquiry into the origins of cultural change / David Harvey.
Oxford [England] ; Cambridge, Mass., USA : Blackwell, 1989.
ix, 378 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"A great deal has been written on what has variously been described as the postmodern condition and on postmodern culture, architecture, art and society. In this new book, David Harvey seeks to determine what is meant by the term in its different contexts and to identify how accurate and useful it is as a description of contemporary experience. But the book is much more than this: in the course of his investigation the author provides a social and semantic history--from the Enlightenment to the present--of modernism and its expression in political and social ideas and movements, as well as in art, literature and architecture. He considers in particular how the meaning and perception of time and space themselves vary over time and space, and shows that this variance affects individual values and social processes of the most fundamental kind. This book will be widely welcomed, not only for its clear and critical account of the arguments surrounding the propositions of modernity and postmodernity, but as an incisive contribution to the history of ideas and their relation to social and political change."--from cover.
0631162941 (pbk.)
9780631162940 (pbk.)
Civilization, Modern 1950-
Space and time.
Civilisation 1950-
Espace et temps.
Social Welfare.
Civilization, Modern
Western culture Modernism & postmodernism
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 55659
Cote: ID:90-B4125
Statut: Disponible
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