Various small books : referencing various small books by Ed Ruscha / edited and compiled by Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton, and Hermann Zschiegner ; text by Phil Taylor with an essay by Mark Rawlinson.
Titre et auteur:

Various small books : referencing various small books by Ed Ruscha / edited and compiled by Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton, and Hermann Zschiegner ; text by Phil Taylor with an essay by Mark Rawlinson.


Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013]


287 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm

"Ruscha redux catalogue": pages 284-287.
Includes bibliographical references.
Like trading dust for oranges : Ed Ruscha and things of interest -- Various small books 1954-1987 -- Various small books 1991-2000 -- Various small books 2002 2006 -- Various small books 2007-2008 -- Various small books 2009 -- Various small books 2010 Various small books 2011.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the artist Ed Ruscha created a series of small photo-conceptual artist's books, among them Twentysix Gas Stations, Various Small Fires, Every Building on the Sunset Strip, Thirtyfour Parking Lots, Real Estate Opportunities, and A Few Palm Trees. Featuring mundane subjects photographed prosaically, with idiosyncratically deadpan titles, these "small books" were sought after, collected, and loved by Ruscha's fans and fellow artists. Over the past thirty years, close to 100 other small books that appropriated or paid homage to Ruscha's have appeared throughout the world. This book collects ninety-one of these projects, showcasing the cover and sample layouts from each along with a description of the work. It also includes selections from Ruscha's books and an appendix listing all known Ruscha book tributes. These small books revisit, imitate, honor, and parody Ruscha in form, content, and title. Some rephotograph his subjects: Thirtyfour Parking Lots, Forty Years Later. Some offer a humorous variation: Various Unbaked Cookies (which concludes, as did Ruscha's Various Small Fires, with a glass of milk), Twentynine Palms (twenty-nine photographs of palm-readers' signs). Some say something different: None of the Buildings on Sunset Strip. Some reach for a connection with Ruscha himself: 17 Parked Cars in Various Parking Lots Along Pacific Coast Highway Between My House and Ed Ruscha's. With his books, Ruscha expanded the artist's field of permissible subjects, approaches, and methods. With VARIOUS SMALL BOOKS, various artists pay tribute to Ed Ruscha and extend the legacy of his books-- Publisher's website, July 19, 2022.


9780262018777 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0262018772 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Ruscha, Edward Influence.
Ruscha, Edward Themes, motives.
Ruscha, Edward Catalogs.
Ruscha, Edward
Ruscha, Ed 1937-
Ruscha, Edward Bibliography
Artists' books.
Livres d'artistes.
artists' books (books)
Art and Design.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
Themes, motives
Artists' books Bibliography.


artists' books (books)
catalogs (documents)
Artists' books
Artists' books Massachusetts 21st century
Livres d'artistes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Brouws, Jeffrey T., editor.
Burton, Wendy, 1951- editor.
Zschiegner, Hermann, editor.
Taylor, Phil (Art historian), author.
Rawlinson, Mark (Mark S.). Like trading dust for oranges.
Ruscha, Edward. Works. Selections (2013)
Ruscha, Edward. Works. Selections. 2013.
Brouws, Jeffrey T.
Burton, Wendy, 1951-
Zschiegner, Hermann
Taylor, Phil, art historian.
Rawlinson, Mark (Mark S.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 282347
Cote: ND37.R951.A1 2013
Statut: Disponible


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