Integrated pest management for collections : proceedings of 2011: a pest odyssey, 10 years later / edited by Peter Winsor, David Pinniger, Louise Bacon, Bob Child, Kerren Harris, Dee Lauder, Julie Phippart and Amber Xavier-Rowe.
Entrée principale:

2011, A Pest Odyssey (Conference) (2011 : London, England)

Titre et auteur:

Integrated pest management for collections : proceedings of 2011: a pest odyssey, 10 years later / edited by Peter Winsor, David Pinniger, Louise Bacon, Bob Child, Kerren Harris, Dee Lauder, Julie Phippart and Amber Xavier-Rowe.


Swindon : English Heritage, 2011.


viii, 223 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm + 1 computer disc (CD-ROM, PDF, 4 3/4 in.)


Accompanying disc is available for use on a standalone workstation within the library for single users. Disc will require installation.

Includes bibliographical references.
Ten years on-from vodka beetles to risk zones / David Pinniger -- Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage / Amber Xavier-Rowe and Dee Lauder -- Efficacy, effects, economics : the problem of distributing pest control advice to cover contingency / Tom Strang and Rika Kigawa -- Integating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London / Adrian Doyle, Chloe Evans and Maria Yanez Lopez -- Mapping museum pest activity : a review of the development of KE EMu as a tool for pest management / David A. Smith -- Developing and implementing an intergrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin / Pascal Querner and Stephan Simon -- Building with pest management in mind : a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature / Marcie Kwindt and Laura Smyk -- The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovie : how will climate change affect its future pest status? / Lise Stengaard Hansen, Monika Akerlund, Terje Grontoft, Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Anne Lissbeth Schmidt, Jan-Erik Bergh and Karl-Martin Vagn Jensen -- Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace / Sam Higgs and Jonathan Bridal -- The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps / Robert Child -- Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores / Sylviane Vaucheret and Leona Leonard -- The measured, slimline implementation of integrated pest management at the National Trust for Scotland / Mel Houston -- Driven to distraction by moths : IPM on the Riverside Museum Project / Gretel Evans -- The problems of house mice in historic houses and museums / Ed Allan -- Minus 20 degrees in the sun / Anne Bancroft ACR, Valerie Blyth ACR and Elizabeth F. Watson -- Mobigas at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia and the struggle for recognition by quarantine authorities / Janelle Borig -- Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins / Dr Marieanne Davy Ball ACR, Christina Bisulca and Dr. Nancy Odegaard -- Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins : case studies on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects / Rika Kigawa and Tom Strang -- Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan : re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies / Naoko Sonoda and Shingo Hidaka -- To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia / Colin Macgregor, Heather Mackay and Alex Roach -- Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries : a successful campaign / Val Blyth and Suzanne Smith -- Outsmarting the persistent moths : strategic planning for pest control at Nordiska Museet / Eva Helena Hakanen -- Quick, quick put the lid back on! / Fiona Cahill and Lucy Martin -- But how do I know I've got pests? / Jane Thompson Webb -- Crazy as a bedbug : the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's development of resources and best practices for the museum community / Rachael Perkins Arenstein, Neil Duncan, Lisa Kronthal Elkin and Christopher A. Norris -- Skins, shoes and 2,500 saplings : combining integrated pest management and contemporary art installations / Ann French --Where do we go from here: The challenges of implementing an IPM programme at the British Museum / Julie Phippard -- Insect pest management initiatives past and present at the Horniman Museum / Louise Bacon, Julia Gresson and Charlotte Ridley -- Pest identification : a tool for training and everyday use / Anna Barnes and Charlotte Lester -- Using Killgerm AF Tineola pheromone lure boards to target cleaning and intervention at the Imperial War Museum / Philip Baxter -- Mind the gap! One year on in the trial of a floorboard gap sealer / Artemi Chaviara -- Desktop pests : treating an early computer to prevent risk to the Science Museum's collection / Fran Coles and Natsumi Henzan -- Museum pest and IPM reference database / Amy Crossman and David Pinniger -- Ask the Conservator -- a pest quest / Rebecca Duncombe, Suzanna Neil and Victoria Richards -- A database devoted to the insects of cultural heritage / Fabien Fohrer, Michel Martinez and Franck Dorkeld -- The English Heritage integrated pest management programme / Dee Lauder -- The Exosex clothes moth system and English Heritage / Dee Lauder -- Using parasitoid wasps (Lariophagus distinguendus and Trichogramma evanescens) in integrated pest management against beetle and moth infestation : a preliminary evaluation / Pascal Querner and Stephan Biebl -- Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the Georgian National Museum in cooperation with the National Museums in Berlin / Pascal Querner, Nino Kalandadze, Vakhtang Khoshtaria, Vera Phakadze, Manfred Nawroth and Stephan Simon -- Saving money with integrated pest management at the Kunsthisorisches Museum, Vienna / Pascal Querner, Michaela Morelli, Elke Oberthaler, Monika Strolz, Katja Schmitz von Ledebur, Isabelle Zatschek, Regina Holzl and Irene Engelhardt -- The importance of support and involvement of the whole institute for successful IPM / Suzanne Ryder --0 Defining success : The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's new institution-wide IPM programme / Patricia Silence and Ryan Jones -- Strategies against insects in the galleries and stores of the North American Native Museum, Zurich / Jenny Studer and Artemi Chaviara -- Declaring war on clothes moths / David Thomson -- 'Have I got a pest problem?' Mapping insect vulnerability of costumer collections / Efstratia Verveniotou and Jane Henderson.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is not a static approach but one that is constantly evolving. Mass international travel, climate change and other factors contribute to the spread of new pests, and the pests themselves are constantly seeking out weaknesses in our defences. An understanding of the threats pests pose to collections and the necessity for a systematic approach to combat them is now firmly embedded in the work of collection care practitioners. In addition, the trustees and sponsoring bodies of collecting institutions recognise that it is a significant and cost-effective element of good collections management. 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 years later describes examples of how the IPM approach has been adopted by large and small institutions around the world, and highlights the many lessons learned along the way. Principal among these is never to become complacent and tied down to routine processes. Another important lesson is the need to ensure colleagues understand and are involved with the process of pest management. There is also a need to understand the wider implications of any pest control activity, for example the effect of chemical treatments on DNA. Coming out of the second Pest Odyssey conference, this book will promote wider understanding and implementation of IPM as an integral part of any collection management programme. The organisers and editorial team hope that everyone involved with the care of cultural heritage collections and buildings will find something of interest and value in this work.




Museums Conservation and restoration Congresses.
Museum buildings Pest control Congresses.
Musées Conservation et restauration Congrès.
Musées (Édifices) Lutte contre les nuisibles Congrès.
Museum buildings Pest control
Museums Conservation and restoration


Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Winsor, Peter, editor.
Pinniger, David, 1943- editor.
Bacon, Louise, editor.
Child, Robert, editor.
Harris, Kerren, editor.
Lauder, Dee, editor.
Phippard, Julie, editor.
Xavier-Rowe, Amber, editor.
English Heritage.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293001
Cote: BIB 237599
Statut: Manquant

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294215
Cote: BIB 237599
Notes: CD-ROM
Statut: Disponible


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