A Theoretical and practical treatise on the five orders of architecture : containing the most plain and simple rules for drawing and executing them in the purest style : with the opinions of Sir William Chambers, and other eminent architects, both ancient and modern ... Including an historical description of Gothic architecture, shewing its origin, and also a comparison of the Gothic architecture of England, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy : together with details of the first, second, and third periods of the Pointed Arch, or Gothic style ... To which are added ... treatises on projection, perspective, fractions, decimal arithmetic, &c. : concluding with an index and glossary of the terms of art, &c.
Titre et auteur:

A Theoretical and practical treatise on the five orders of architecture : containing the most plain and simple rules for drawing and executing them in the purest style : with the opinions of Sir William Chambers, and other eminent architects, both ancient and modern ... Including an historical description of Gothic architecture, shewing its origin, and also a comparison of the Gothic architecture of England, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy : together with details of the first, second, and third periods of the Pointed Arch, or Gothic style ... To which are added ... treatises on projection, perspective, fractions, decimal arithmetic, &c. : concluding with an index and glossary of the terms of art, &c.


London : Thomas Kelly, 1853.


163 pages, 100 [i.e. 103] leaves of plates : chiefly illustrations ; 28 cm


Architecture Systematic works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Chambers, William, Sir, 1723-1796.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 74463
Cote: W2725; ID:86-B12830
Statut: Disponible


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