Struth, Thomas, 1954- photographer.
Unconscious places / Thomas Struth ; essay by Richard Sennett.
München : Schirmer/Mosel, [2012].
263 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm. + 1 pamphlet (10 pages ; 27 cm)
Mundane buildings, nondescript streets, anonymous facades--these are the features that first strike in viewing Thomas Struth's pictures of streets--"unconscious places". Both in black-and-white and in color, Struth uses a frontal, eye-height view, with no optical distortion to disrupt the impression that what we see is a neutral, objective recording of reality. At the same time, Struth's urban landscapes are also a critical depiction of different human habitats. This volume presents a comprehensive survey of Struth's street views from the 1970s to 2010: narrow lanes in Edinburgh, Wuhan, Naples, and Erfurt; satellite towns in Paris, Leverkusen, Chicago, and Pyongyang; thoroughfares in Brussels, Lima, and Los Angeles; grand boulevards in St. Petersburg, New York City, and Beijing. Frequently there is an almost total absence of people in his cityscapes, which provides a feeling of desolation. In contrast, his famous Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo, is bustling with people and billboards.
Struth, Thomas 1954-
Street photography.
Cities and towns Pictorial works.
Photographie de rue.
Cities and towns
Illustrated works
Sennett, Richard, 1943- writer of added commentary.
Sennett, Richard, 1943- Thomas Struth's city.
Sennett, Richard, 1943- Thomas Struth's city. German.
Thomas Struth, unconscious places
Struth, unconscious places
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room photo 283253
Cote: TR140.S927 S865 2012
Notes: pamphlet
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room photo 280261
Cote: TR140.S927 S865 2012
Statut: Disponible
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