Stevenson, Deborah, 1958-
The city / Deborah Stevenson.
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2013.
xi, 203 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Key concepts
This book is a fresh and engaging analysis of the city as a central concept in contemporary social thought. It probes the contested and negotiated ways in which cities are built, understood, lived and imagined. Taking a thematic approach and drawing on a range of theoretical, methodological and empirical points of reference, it examines such subjects as urban inequality, public space, creative cities, globalization, the night-time economy, suburbia, and memory and emotion. In The City Deborah Stevenson argues that, as theories and concepts shape what is known about cities and urban life, it is necessary to build conceptual frameworks that engage with the intersections and tensions between urban processes and trends, as well as with the complexities of everyday urban life. This book's combination of original insight and critical synthesis will make it an invaluable contribution for an international, interdisciplinary readership of students and scholars in sociology, geography, urban studies and wider social science and the humanities.
9780745648897 (hbk.)
0745648894 (hbk.)
0745648908 (pbk.)
9780745648903 (pbk.)
Cities and towns Social aspects.
Sociology, Urban.
Villes Aspect social.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
Key concepts.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282300
Cote: BIB 219691
Statut: Disponible
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