Hodgson, Fred T.
Plaster and plastering, mortars and cements, how to make, and how to use : being a complete guide for the plasterer in the preparation and application of all kinds of plaster, stucco, portland cement, hydraulic cements, lime of tiel, rosendale and other cements, with useful and practical information on the chemstry, qualitites and uses of the various kinds of limes and cements, together with rules for measuring, computing, and valuing plaster and stucco work to which is appended an illustrated glossary of terms used in plastering, etc. / by Fred T. Hodgson.
New York : The Industrial Publication Co., 1883.
vi, 102 pages : illustrations
cement (construction material)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 14329
Cote: 6954
Statut: Disponible
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