The Halls of the Ancients, Nos. 1312-14-16-18 New York Avenue, Washington / [Franklin Webster Smith].
Entrée principale:

Smith, Franklin Webster.

Titre et auteur:

The Halls of the Ancients, Nos. 1312-14-16-18 New York Avenue, Washington / [Franklin Webster Smith].


[Washington, D.C.] : [G.P.O.], [1900]


3 parts in 1 volume : illustrations ; 25 cm

Each part has special cover and t.p.
Part 1 has t.p.: The Halls of the Ancients constructed to demonstrate the practicability of the preceding design for national galleries of history and art in Washington : [the second hand-book of the Halls of the Ancients].
Part 2 has t.p.: Design and prospectus for national galleries of history and art in Washington / by Franklin Webster Smith. Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office, 1900. (United States. Congress (56th, 1st session : 1900). Senate. Document no. 209, part II).
Part 3 has t.p.: Designs, plans and suggestions for the aggrandizement of Washington / by Franklin Webster Smith. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1900. (United States. Congress (56th, 1st session : 1900). Senate. Document no. 209, part III).
Titles on covers: pt. 1. Halls of the Ancients for promotion of national galleries of history and art in Washington -- pt. 2. Description and illustrations of proposed national galleries.
Pagination: pt. 1: xvii, 70 p., [1] leaf of plates; pt. 2: 182 p., [2] leaves of plates; pt. 3: 184 p.

Halls of the Ancients (Washington, D.C.)
Civic improvement.
Washington (D.C.) Galleries and museums.
Washington (D.C.) Civic improvement.
Washington (D.C.)

Vedettes secondaires:

Halls of the Ancients constructed to demonstrate the practicability of the preceding design for national galleries of history and art in Washington.
Second hand-book of the Halls of the Ancients.
Halls of the Ancients for promotion of national galleries of history and art in Washington.
Design and prospectus for national galleries of history and art in Washington.
Description and illustrations of proposed national galleries.
Designs, plans and suggestions for the aggrandizement of Washington.
United States. Congress (56th, 1st session : 1900). Senate. Document ; no. 209.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 183568
Cote: 3270
Exemplaire: 3 pts. in 1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 183567
Cote: ID:86-B12405
Exemplaire: 3 pts. in 1
Statut: Disponible


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