Wood and wood joints : building traditions of Europe, Japan and China / Klaus Zwerger ; with a foreword by Valerio Olgiati.
Entrée principale:

Zwerger, Klaus, 1956-

Titre et auteur:

Wood and wood joints : building traditions of Europe, Japan and China / Klaus Zwerger ; with a foreword by Valerio Olgiati.


2nd, rev. and enlarged ed.


Basel : Birkhäuser, 2012.


319 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm

Previous edition: 1997.
Previous edition published in 1997 under title: Wood and wood joints : building traditions of Europe and Japan.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The material -- Working with wood -- Types and functions of wood joints -- Wood joints and their evolution -- Wood joints as an expression of aesthetic values -- Structural timber construction in China.
Translated from the German.

"Building with wood as an ecologically viable material is a tradition with a long history. The timber architecture which has ensued over the past centuries reveals to the modern observer the depth of knowledge which has enabled both Eastern and Western cultures to use this material in such a creative way. In the most typical method of building with wood, elements are connected by using wood joints which do not require the assistance of adhesives or metal connectors. This art of wood joining reached its zenith in Japan; but Europe too provided its share of highly influential forms. By looking at several hundred examples from Japan and 18 European countries, this book describes in great detail the history of timber architecture in terms of its technical, aesthetic and ecological dimensions. Enlarged by an account of structural timber construction in China, this new edition offers a comparison of the developments in Europe and East Asia"--Back cover.


9783034606851 (hbk.)
3034606850 (hbk.)


Timber joints.
Building, Wooden Europe.
Building, Wooden Japan.
Building, Wooden China.
Assemblages (Menuiserie)
Construction en bois Europe.
Construction en bois Japon.
Construction en bois Chine.
Building, Wooden.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282908
Cote: BIB 220777
Statut: Disponible


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