Color rush : American color photography from Stieglitz to Sherman / Katherine A. Bussard & Lisa Hostetler with contributions by Alissa Schapiro, Grace Deveney, & Michal Raz-Russo.
Entrée principale:

Bussard, Katherine A.

Titre et auteur:

Color rush : American color photography from Stieglitz to Sherman / Katherine A. Bussard & Lisa Hostetler with contributions by Alissa Schapiro, Grace Deveney, & Michal Raz-Russo.


First edition.


New York : Aperture ; Milwaukee : The Milwaukee Art Museum, [2013]


ix, 277 pages : color illustrations ; 30 cm

Published on the occasion of an exhibition on view February 22, 2013 to May 19, 2013.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Full spectrum: expanding the history of American color photography / Katherine A Bussard -- Real color / Lisa Hostetler -- Early automatic color : Alfred Stieglitz ; George Seeley ; Arnold Genthe ; National Geographic ; Edward Steichen -- Consuming color : Nickolas Muray ; Anton Bruehl ; Holly wood ; Paul Outerbridge, Jr. ; Victor Keppler ; Newspapers ; Louise Dahl-Wolfe ; László Moholy-Nagy ; Kodak ; FSA photographers ; Life magazine -- Choosing color : Eliot Porter ; Harry Callahan ; Irving Penn ; Edward Weston ; Ansel Adams ; Walker Evans ; Saul Leiter ; Hy Hirsh ; Arthur Siegel ; Ernst Haas ; Syl Labrot -- An explosion of color : Pete Turner ; Helen Levitt ; Monographs ; Marie Cosindas ; Bruce Nauman ; William Eggleston ; William Christenberry ; John Baldessari ; Stephen Shore ; John Pfahl ; Eve Sonneman ; Lucas Samaras ; Jan Groover ; Joel Meyerowitz ; Joel Sternfeld ; Philip-Lorca diCorcia ; Laurie Simmons ; Susan Meiselas ; Nan Goldin ; Kenneth Josephson ; Robert Heinecken ; Barbara Kasten ; Cindy Sherman -- Chronology / Alissa Schapiro.

"From magazine pages to gallery walls, from advertisements to photojournalism, Color Rush charts the history of color photography in the United States from the moment it became available as a mass medium to the moment when it no longer seemed an unusual choice for artists. The book begins with the 1907 unveiling of autochrome, the first commercially available color process, and continues up through the 1981 landmark survey show and book The New Color Photography, which hailed the widespread acceptance of color photography in contemporary art. Color Rush brings together Ansel Adams, William Eggleston, Eliot Porter, Cindy Sherman, Edward Steichen, Stephen Shore, and many more."--Publisher's website.


9781597112260 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
1597112267 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer Bitterfeld
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Color photography United States History Exhibitions.
Photographie États-Unis Histoire 20e siècle Expositions.
Photographie en couleurs États-Unis Histoire Expositions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Color photography.
Photography, Artistic.
United States.


Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hostetler, Lisa, 1971-
Milwaukee Art Museum.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282815
Cote: BIB 220596
Statut: Disponible


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