Le bouquin : Yves Weinand, architecte + Damien Darcis, philosophe / [conception : Nicolas Bebronne [and others] ; textes : D. Darvis, Y. Weinand = The book : Yves Weinand, architect + Damien Darcis, philosopher / [conception : Nicolas Bebronne [and others] ; text : D. Darvis, Y. Weinand].
Liège : Fourre-Tout ; [Bruxelles] : CIVA, 2009.
199 pages : illustrations, plans ; 18 cm.
Architexto ; 8
"The patrimonial obsession of the authentic, which tends to turn the world into a museum and to make us, in a way, tourists of our own existence, may well substitute the reassuring and consensual virtue of exegetic comments to the critical faculty. This is indispensable to all living memory and all acts of creation. More than other art disciplines - those highly inventive skills -, and far from being a protective case or screen, architecture may provide a way to materialise and to feel the space that links us to the world and to others. I believe that this is the lesson the authors of this book invite us to meditate upon ... In other words, architecture is potentially a shared language, rather than a confiscated expert's word, and there is the possibility to act in and upon the world by jointly planned action of the disgno and the ingenio that convoke space and time, mixing together language and body"--Daniel Vander Gucht (p. [4] of cover).
Weinand, Yves, 1963-
Architecture Philosophy.
Authenticity (Philosophy)
Architecture and philosophy.
Historic preservation Philosophy.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture Belgium 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture Belgium 21st century Exhibitions.
Authenticité (Philosophie)
Architecture et philosophie.
Préservation historique Philosophie.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture Philosophie.
Architecture Belgique 20e siècle Expositions.
Architecture Belgique 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture, Modern
Belgian Architects.
Belgian architectural Firms.
Architecture (object genre) Belgium 1980-2010.
Exhibition Publications.
Exhibition catalogs
Bebronne, Nicolas.
Weinand, Yves, 1963-
Darcis, Damien, 1983-
Maison Renaissance (Liège, Belgium)
Architexto ; 8.
Yves Weinand, architecte + Damien Darcis, philosophe
Yves Weinand, architecte et Damien Darcis, philosophe
Book Yves Weinand, architect + Damien Darcis, philosopher
Yves Weinand, architect + Damien Darcis, philosopher
Yves Weinand, architect and Damien Darcis, philosopher
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 264923
Cote: BIB 196353
Statut: Disponible
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