Material related to Integrated Life Support Systems Labs, 1973-1976.
Entrée principale:

Shannon, Malcolm L.

Titre et auteur:

Material related to Integrated Life Support Systems Labs, 1973-1976.


30 items ; 57 cm. or smaller.

Includes: 1 CD-R dated May 29, 2007, containing 16 digital images and 2 textual files.
Includes: 1 VHS videocassette copy of the 1975 motion picture "People with purpose".
Includes: 6 photographs (b&w ; 22 x 28 cm.) with corresponding photocopies.
Includes: information sheet describing Integrated Life Support Systems Laboratories.
Includes: copy of Garbage America collection contract.
Includes: copy of U.S. patent 3,949,732 for dual phase tracking system designed by Robert Reinies and used in ILS Prototype 2.
Includes: copy of letter on ILS letterhead offering Parris-Dunn wind generators for sale.
Includes: form letter on ILS Labs letterhead, dated Nov. 6, 1974.
Includes: undated postal card.
Includes: copies of 5 letters of correspondence between Malcolm L. Shannon Jr. and Theodore M. Edison dated Aug. 7, 1975; Nov. 7, 1975; Aug. 2, 1976; Aug. 5, 1976; Aug. 12, 1976.
Includes: letter dated May 30, 1975 on Congress of the United States letterhead, from George E. Brown Jr. to members of the U.S. House of Representatives inviting members to attend June 4, 1975 briefing by Robert Reines.
Includes: copy of p. S.6604-5 from Congressional Record proceedings and debates of the 93rd Congress, first session, v. 119, no. 52, Apr. 4, 1973, concerning the solar and wind energy system home of Robert and Eileen Reines.
Includes: copy of p. H 9356 and H 9357 from Congressional Record, House, v. 119 Sept. 18, 1974, which mentions Robert Reines and ILS Lab.
includes: photocopy of 66-p. chapter from 1976 publication "What do we use for lifeboats when the ship goes down? : conversations with Robert Reines, John Todd, Ian McHarg, Paolo Soleri, and Richard Saul Wurman".
Includes: reproduction of cover and partial reproduction of 272-p. article "The dawn of an industry" from Sept. 1974 issue of Nation's business.
Includes: reproduction of cover and Letters to the Editor page from Dec. 1974 issue of Nation's business with letter from Robert Reines.
Includes: reproduction of cover and page from Apr. 1974 issue of Harper's magazine with "Integrated living systems" letter by Robert Reines concerning the ILS prototype 1.
Includes: reproduction of front page and p. 23 continuation from v. 55, no. 53, Mar. 18, 1975 issue of The Wall Street Journal concerning several power pioneers including Robert Reines.
Includes: section F of the Albuquerque journal, Oct. 13, 1974, containing an article entitled "Unique lab explores energy problems".
Includes: Mar. 1974 issue of Popular science containing article "Can sunshine heat (and cool) your house?".
Includes: Nov. 1975 issue of Mechanix Illustrated containing article "How to live on sun power".
Some items are printouts from the CD-R.

Group of documents related to Integrated Life Support Systems Labs (ILS Labs), a research centre and experimental community set up in 1971 in Tijeras, N.M., by Robert Reines and his wife Eileen, in collaboration with Malcolm Shannon Jr. The material was assembled by Mr. Shannon in support of the exhibition "1973: désolé, plus d'essence = 1973: sorry, out of gas", Centre canadien d'architecture, Nov. 7, 2007-Apr. 20, 2008. Consists of little primary material.


Reines, Robert G.
Integrated Life Support Systems Labs.
Solar energy.
Renewable energy sources.
Sustainable architecture.
Solar energy Research New Mexico.
Énergie solaire.
Énergies renouvelables.
Architecture durable.
Énergie solaire Recherche Nouveau-Mexique.
solar power.
Solar energy Research.
United States Civilization 1970-
États-Unis Civilisation 1970-
New Mexico.
United States.


Digital images.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)

Vedettes secondaires:

Reines, Robert G.
Edison, Theodore M. (Theodore Miller), 1898-1992.
Brown, George Edward, 1920-1999.
Integrated Life Support Systems Labs.
People with purpose.

Integrated Life Support Systems Labs
ILS Labs


Localisation: Bibliothèque main m fonds 279460
Cote: BIB 215492
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main m fonds 304982
Cote: BIB 215492
Notes: VHS
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279472
Cote: BIB 197473
Exemplaire: Popular Science Mar. 1974 issue
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279473
Cote: BIB 197472
Exemplaire: Mechanix Illustrated Nov. 1975 issue
Statut: Disponible


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