Architects Revolutionary Council (Great Britain)
ARC : form your local ARC unit now.
London : The Architects Revolutionary Council, [1975?]
8 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Pamphlet critical of the Royal Institute of British Architects that proposes to create a more socially conscious organization dedicated to serving local communities rather than the "rich and powerful minority or the bureaucratic dictatorships of central and local government."
Architects Revolutionary Council (Great Britain)
Royal Institute of British Architects.
Architecture and society Great Britain.
Architectural practice Great Britain.
Architecture et société Grande-Bretagne.
Architectural practice
Architecture and society
Great Britain
Architecture (discipline) Great Britain 1970-1980.
Form your local ARC unit now
At head of title: Architects, students, technicians & others
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 271440
Cote: BIB 204578
Statut: Disponible
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