Overdrive : L.A. constructs the future, 1940-1990 / edited by Wim de Wit and Christopher James Alexander.
Titre et auteur:

Overdrive : L.A. constructs the future, 1940-1990 / edited by Wim de Wit and Christopher James Alexander.


Los Angeles, Calif. : Getty Research Institute, ©2013.


xiii, 301 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans ; 26 x 28 cm

"This volume accompanies the exhibition Overdrive: L.A. Constructs the Future, 1940-1990, held at the J. Paul Getty Museum, 9 April to 21 July 2013. Organized by the Getty Research Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, this exhibition is part of the initiative Pacific Standard Time Presents: Modern Architecture in L.A."--CIP t.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword: Studying Los Angeles's urbanism / Thomas W. Gaehtgens -- Introduction: Provoking new perceptions of Los Angeles / Wim de Wit and Christopher James Alexander -- Transformative landscapes : The deep historical morphology of the Los Angeles metropolis / Philip J. Ethington ; Dreams deferred: parks and open space / William Deverell ; All freeways lead to East Los Angeles: rethinking the L.A. freeway and its meanings / Eric Avila ; Los Angeles after dark: the incandescent city / Sandy Isenstadt -- Engaging modernism : "The style of the future"? The vicissitudes of modernism in Los Angeles / Wim de Wit ; Professional and educational discourse: training the next generation of architects in Los Angeles / Ken Breisch ; Across the Pacific: Los Angeles as a catalyst for architectural change in East Asia / Jeffrey W. Cody ; Latin America and Los Angeles: architectural exchanges / Hugo Segawa and Fernando Atique ; Preserving modern architecture in Los Angeles / Susan Macdonald -- Developing communities : Suburban landscapes of Los Angeles / Becky Nicolaides ; Domestic speculation: architects and builders in postwar Los Angeles / Dana Cuff ; Experimental jet set: aerospace and the modern house in Los Angeles / Dana Hutt -- Engineered audacity : LAX: designing for the jet age / Vanessa R. Schwartz ; Architecture industry: the L.A. Ten / Stephen Phillips ; Everyday entertainment: post-postwar life in the San Gabriel valley / Chris Nichols.

"From 1940 to 1990, Los Angeles rapidly evolved into one of the most populous and influential industrial, economic, and creative capitals in the world. During this era, the region was transformed into a laboratory for cutting-edge architecture. Overdrive: L.A. Constructs the Future, 1940-1990 examines these experiments and their impact on modern design, reframes the perceptions of Los Angeles's dynamic built environment, and amplifies the exploration of the city's vibrant architectural legacy. The drawings, models, and images highlighted in the Overdrive exhibition and catalogue reveal the complex and often underappreciated facets of Los Angeles and illustrate how the metropolis became an internationally recognized destination with a unique design vocabulary, canonical landmarks, and a coveted lifestyle. This investigation builds upon the groundbreaking work of generations of historians, theorists, curators, critics, and activists who have researched and expounded upon the development of Los Angeles. In this volume, thought-provoking essays shed more light on the exhibition's narratives, including Los Angeles's physical landscape, the rise of modernism, the region's influential residential architecture, its buildings for commerce and transportation, and architects' pioneering uses of bold forms, advanced materials, and new technologies. Los Angeles's ability to facilitate change, experiment, recalibrate, and forge ahead is one of its greatest strengths. Future generations are destined to harness the region's enviable resources to create new layers of architectural innovations"--Publisher's description




Modern movement (Architecture) California Los Angeles History 20th century.
Architecture California Los Angeles History.
City planning California Los Angeles History 20th century.
Mouvement moderne (Architecture) Californie Los Angeles Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Californie Los Angeles Histoire.
Architecture and Planning.
City planning
Modern movement (Architecture)
California Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif.


Exhibition catalogues.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Wit, Wim de.
Alexander, Christopher James.
Getty Research Institute.
J. Paul Getty Museum.
Pacific Standard Time (Project)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282717
Cote: BIB 220420
Statut: Disponible


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